2022-11-01 17:43:33
49 EV's for the same motion over and over for 1:29? That's a little much.
2022-11-01 17:51:50
I know that Batou makes good animations but isn't 49 EV a bit too much? No?
2022-11-01 19:07:37
Are you *****d to buy it? How about then just complain about something absolut optional for you, maybe do something useful with that time? Pick up the trash on the streets? 49 Evs are something like $12-$13 Which is a high price to unlock something on this site,but do you know the price of per minute animation instead? The average price of something simular? It is more? less? If you certainly know that is too much, it should be easy for you to label it with the right price? Also, maybe just maybe you know about the new payout system which required now $100 otherwise the artist will not get his money
2022-11-02 13:14:19
There was effort put into this. I especially like the shading and reflections on Bayonetta's skin, smooth and glass-like subtle details you see in professional animation. Great one as usual Mr. Batou. ^^
2022-11-03 05:12:14
Chain saw man
2022-11-29 02:27:21
Hey Folks! By opening closed content, you're supporting me in new creations! And also you're supporting the development of WHENTAI that helps to connect creators and commissioners! THANK YOU!