2016-12-03 21:57:37
Hey Ed, excellent work as usual, i was wondering if you have a few pointers for a up and coming artist such as myself.
2016-12-03 22:20:41
Amazing, man, it's hot ****!
2016-12-03 23:45:52
i like that chick from Ikkitousen, shame there isnt much good art of her.. hmm.. Erza again? lol and in cosplay ^.^
2016-12-04 02:56:19
more Erza, how quaint
2016-12-04 19:59:35
Erza would fit more as Sailor Mars, imo
2016-12-05 01:08:11
Erza and Rei so sexy :3
2016-12-05 01:25:09
@Meikah That isn't Rei Ayanami. That's Ryomou Shimei from Ikkitousen
2018-03-27 02:20:34