This list filters only those artworks that were made based on ideas received from our registered members. Submit your idea and get your own EXCLUSIVE artwork made by skilful hands of our artists!
Ragna has his bandage right arm and esdeath has the outfit in the reference picture
First panel
Ragna is fuck esdeath in a doggie styled position as he grab one of her breast as he cum inside of her and impregnated her and showing her egg getting fertilizer
Leone and Tatsumi sex session while akame and sneak a peek .
Leones boob size as referenced by the first and second reference after her.
Tatsumis cock size will be referenced by the picture after him.
Both are completely nude
Panel 1-3 will be the sex scenes referenced. Mine and akame are in the back ground looking aroused .
Each panel should have an xray version should be an overlay like seen in tatsumis cock size and a non xray version. X ray version should have cum. And the non xray should have cum also. Cum should be a lot. Pussy is overflowing with cum.
Akame ga ****! - Leone (futa) is fucking Akame's pussy in the reverse cowgirl position. Akame is groping one of her breasts while pinching her nipple with one hand while groping one of Leone's breasts with the other. Leone has a hand on top of Akame's shoulder and is rubbing her pussy with the other hand. Akame is fully nude while Leone is only wearing her scarf.
Left: Akame (Akame ga ****) is kneeling next to tatsumis cock, which is a massive 18 -24 inch cock. thickness should be proportional to length. Can be a stomach up shot for akame. Just needs to show her beautiful tits and her admiring his massive cock.
Right: Akame either cowboy (tits in tatsumis face) or doggystyle taking in the 18-24 inch cock. Either or position needs to really show off her tits and the penetration. Also an x ray of the cock inside her if the artist chooses to do so.
Coloring also should be like the 3rd reference pic, would like it to be glossy and not flat colors. If any questions on the coloring feel free to ask.