Natsu Dragneel x Bloom, the name of the commission is "Salamander's Fairy Flame Heart", Natsu and Bloom are in missionary and Natsu is partially clothed with his scarf and his pants pull down having sex with Bloom but no cum and Bloom is in her enchantix look (without the wings) with her dress ripped little down the bottom and revealing her boobs, they're both of looks of compassion, heat of lust and love and looking into eyes and with speech bubbles for Natsu and Bloom, Bloom's right hand are on Natsu's face and her left hand is on his back, Natsu is grabbing Bloom's right **** lighty, Natsu is groaning and Bloom moaning of the heat of the sex and blushing, Bloom is saying "Natsu you have alot of energy and your pleasure so wonderful and being the Foster son of Igneel the Fire Dragon is very amazing, I love you so much my Fire Dragon Slayer Salamander ." And for Natsu saying "Bloom you are the most beautiful girl I've seen you being the most powerful fairy in the magical dimension and the keeper of the Flame Dragom sounds to good to be true, I also love too my Fire Fairy Princess"