Kasuk swinger orgy challenge!
-Naruto series
-You choose whether it's shippuden or Boruto style
-You choose positions/pairing/characters involved
-Sakura must be one of the girls
-No less than 3 males and 3 females
-This is a swinger image. So characters's MAIN interactions shouldn't be with their spouse/future spouse. But secondary fondling and kissing is okay
-All girls must be getting anal
-Your choice whether it's three pairings of two, two groups of three, one group of 4 and a pairing of two, etc. Your choice.
-Everyone should be close together, and if possible have secondary actions with someone other than the person they're fucking.
-Reference files are from phase 1 of the Kasuk challenge, but is NOT limited to the characters in those references. You may choose anyone from the Naruto verse once it fits the swinging theme.
-Banner in the background "Kasuk's Swinger orgy"
-Girls will have a dog collar marked "Kasuk"
The "challenge", is to make the best possible orgy, showing everyone, loving everyone. To show romance between the entire group. As in, all the girls, love all the guys, and all the guys, love all the girls.