2016-06-13 23:01:08
Nice art ♥ But i don't like the idea xd Very soft for a hentai site i think :P
2016-06-13 23:21:39
Looks awesome. It's nice from time to time to have the girls in sexy outfits than fucked silly all the time.
2016-06-13 23:36:31
I usually go a pinup then my next idea is a hard core one, thanks ed love it!
2016-06-14 00:27:39
bae is sexy af
2016-06-14 02:01:51
Well can't please everyone haha
2016-06-14 02:15:38
You could not be more wrong. This is a commission, nowhere in the rules does it state I have to follow a certain theme, people can request whatever they want so long as it's within the rules of the site.
2016-06-14 02:18:39
Why theres so many whiners in this site? Is that really hard to ignore something you don't like?
2016-06-14 02:20:16
They just salty is all, winter.
2016-06-14 02:24:30
It belongs whether you want it to or not
2016-06-14 02:29:14
No is not. Hate to enter the ****storm, but Loyal777 is right. I mean this is not hentai, this is ecchi at the very least.
2016-06-14 02:37:31
There is the rules: No ******** characters (Lisa Simpson, Penny Gadget, etc.) No ******s at all, no anthropomorphs (no wolves, dogs, werewolfs, furry, etc.) No **** No Zombies/Undead, only human beings No monsters/tentacles No ******** characters from the list: Pokemon Show/Game, Princess Peach.
2016-06-14 02:38:28
Show me where it says No Pinup?
2016-06-14 02:44:47
Who mentioned rules? Dude, obviously the rules doesn't say that, but the name on the site is Whentai for some reason, don't you think? Pinups are not hentai, not even close. If you want to have pinups commissioned, go elsewhere. Fully agree with the Loyal dude and the Axe dude
2016-06-14 02:47:28
Yes, its called WHentai, so what?
2016-06-14 02:48:21
The site is named Whentai for a reason, don't you think? Too sad money and time is wasted with pinups in a site that is supposed to be of hentai and happens to have amazing artists.
2016-06-14 02:49:17
Where the money come from?
2016-06-14 02:50:00
I guess it's from comissions right? What's the comission rules?
2016-06-14 02:50:18
Why don't you ask Edjim if this bothers him?
2016-06-14 02:52:05
How much money you wasted in this site?
2016-06-14 02:53:23
But but the name of the site, how dare then to RUIN THE NAME OF THE SITE?!
2016-06-14 02:53:48
As the previous dudes said before, is not about the artists, is about the commissioners. And nevertheless, the artists need to eat, so any money they get, no matter how, is accepted by them, whether they like the idea or not. Leaving that aside, as me and the other dudes say, the name is Whentai, no WPinup. Even if the rules don't say anything about pinups, is silly to post them on a hentai site
2016-06-14 02:55:18
I got you know! I have to agree, HOW DARE THEM TO RUIN THE NAME OF THE SITE? WHAT A SHAME!
2016-06-14 02:56:17
The site is 99% PINUP! Where is the HENTAI?
2016-06-14 02:56:35
You welcome Loyal
2016-06-14 03:03:57
And don't forget to get a job, so you can make your own comission and stop crying here :)
2016-06-14 03:08:52
Whelp, that was a sick burn, Loyal. Glad I logged in again to see this.
2016-06-14 03:10:26
It's not an argument, its a fact. Cry me a river.
2016-06-14 03:11:37
I'm having fun with your tears
2016-06-14 03:13:06
"You can't comission pinup because the site its called WHentai." Best argument ever.
2016-06-14 03:13:50
Da king of salt has spoken, no more pinups boys
2016-06-14 03:15:09
"The artits have to eat." Oh yeah they will starve till death if they don't make comissions.
2016-06-14 03:15:42
And then he has 2 guys suckins his dick and call me a bootlicker.
2016-06-14 03:16:09
Somebody help me i'm getting destroyed!
2016-06-14 03:23:07
The problem is that you don't have a decent argument, so i have no choice instead of making fun of you
2016-06-14 03:23:48
"I don't like it = unnecessary."
2016-06-14 03:24:29
"Let me tell you how to waste your money!."
2016-06-14 03:25:28
By all arguments you mean the site is called WHentai?
2016-06-14 03:25:45
All the arguments were said. If you don't wanna comprehend it, and lower yourself instead making rather lame jokes, your problem. That said, I'll make my way to the doorway.
2016-06-14 03:26:09
You need to be just a little smart to understand this site is about comissions.
2016-06-14 03:29:41
And you need to be just a little smart to understand this site is about hentai commissions, not pinup commissions. You don't even need to read the site's name to understand it. Now, if you excuse me, I need to follow Everettsol on our way to suck Loyal's dick ;)
2016-06-14 03:30:14
I have to post the commissions rules again? :)
2016-06-14 03:33:06
No need, every commission posted on the main page is named Direct Hentai Commission for a reason, and again, we're not talking about rules. No please, excuse me, I'm sucking Loyal's dick
2016-06-14 03:35:54
You indeed do
2016-06-14 03:37:37
Who cares about rules? Let's keep whining about a name
2016-06-14 03:37:49
Oh god... seriously? If it's called Whentai it doesn't mean that there can't be posted ecchi staff. Ed creates a lot hentai pics and you're displeased by some pin-up pics
2016-06-14 03:40:03
Yes, i don't get it, isn't like there's pin-up pics all the time, but they can't just let it pass lol
2016-06-14 03:47:31
I really don't know where they are going with their argument
2016-06-14 03:48:19
If think they wanna rename the site
2016-06-14 04:15:14
SHUT IT ALREADY. PLEASE, ALL OF YOU. Usually, I don't comment unless it's absolutely necessary. True, is a hentai site, but it can be something different from time to time (thank god we don't have a ton of pinups, though). We can all can agree of something, whether this is a kickass idea, or a dull idea, call it whatever you want, is goodly well drawn. Now, please people, stop. Might sound selfish, but you all are giving me a headache
2016-06-14 04:57:45
Ok well this guy makes the best FT pinups. God his Lucy is perfect and now this. My boner is too much
2016-06-14 09:34:54
She looks very lovely! :)
2016-06-14 10:36:26
61 comments? wtf?
2016-06-14 11:23:08
really awesome !!! you art and drawing is the best, I see that increase quality, is perfect! very thanks, i hope more drawing of irene berserion or lucy.
2016-06-14 11:46:09
Haters gonna hate! Great art Edjim and nice idea Crispystrip!
2016-06-14 11:48:51
Thanks emperor :P
2016-06-14 13:49:35
No prolem, i miss you Lucy requests especially the graylu ones ;)
2016-06-14 14:15:44
nooo its enough graylu... ts turned to spamm
2016-06-14 14:23:04
Lame ass idea, but well drawn. Now I'm gonna be called a cocksucker or a hater for sure.
2016-06-14 14:49:26
You can have your opinion, the problem is when you try to dictate rules and tell people what they can or not do.
2016-06-14 15:24:06
Agree, wasted opportunity to do something bigger and better.
2016-06-14 15:48:59
No one cares. Fuck off.
2016-06-14 16:07:34
Wasted, damn right
2016-06-14 17:00:02
this is supposed to be hentai lol
2016-06-14 17:09:49
All those fake accounts are so lame
2016-06-14 17:21:14
People who share a common opinion: must be fake accounts! Because there's no other logical reason! Now that's a some wacky lame explanation there, enfant.
2016-06-14 17:34:56
You have serious problems.
2016-06-14 21:14:28
Well I got my idea so I'm happy :p
2016-06-15 03:25:38
Why are people complaining about this when they aren't the ones who paid for it? lol
2016-06-15 18:11:11
lol dat Spam xD Guys let me say one word pls. Whentai Tan the ADMIN here added the tag: pinup. so Pinup Day everyday
2016-06-19 04:49:12
I love it! More Meredy, yes. Great work!
2019-04-28 21:54:25