2016-02-12 20:17:05
Another Erza? ^.^
2016-02-12 20:22:48
She is glorious :D ---- She look at me like "You are the next" :D
2016-02-12 20:53:14
This is getting boring. Erza this, Erza that, Erza another, Erza everywhere. This the only ideas that win?
2016-02-12 21:06:13
Nice one -> well guys a lot of people like her ( me included obviously ) -> but you always have the chance of making a commission of youre own with youre beloved character. So feel free to use this feature..
2016-02-12 21:16:37
This makes her look like a whore which she is not
2016-02-12 21:22:49
Fuck off. Im never sick of Erza. More Erza.
2016-02-12 21:26:05
@Ezio - of course she's not -> think of her like the queen which takes her time with all her underlings^^
2016-02-12 21:51:40
i love it :o
2016-02-12 22:20:20
This was a commission ezio, so I apologise for the awesome level of erza content, but since it's my money, i'll request whom and however I please ;). Thank you HORS.
2016-02-12 22:33:18
can never be enough erza and yes most of the erza pictures are usualy commissioned.
2016-02-13 00:23:29
Never Stop Erza !!! Erza is da best !!!
2016-02-13 00:30:00
LMAOOOO i bet y'all wouldn't like to be in that situation. Strangers fucking you, don't know their names.
2016-02-13 01:18:49
@Ezio. Stop trying to relate the real world with fiction and your previous comment, about how there is too much erza, i noticed you requested a jellal and erza idea on one of Neeba's hentai request polls, contradiction much?
2016-02-13 02:17:20
There ain't even a feature of Jellal and Erza. It's all Erza fucked by a nobody
2016-02-13 04:46:44
I hate to sound like an asshole, but some of you guys are just mad because people spend votes/money on what they want, and not want YOU want. Zero wrote on his own wall: "I've honestly stopped sending in requests after seeing so many of them getting either bought over or not reaching enough votes". On the other hand, Ezio has been lucky enough to get 3 of his ideas realized WITHOUT spending any money on them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you check who voted on a finished request, you can see who spent EVs and who just simply voted with their 1 free vote. Orange frame around the profile icon means that person spent EVs, and blue means he/she only spent the 1 free vote. Ezio has no orange frames on his ideas. Be more grateful that Enzo and Fruit Punch were generous enough so your ideas were drawn in the first place. You're not losing anything, so why are you guys even complaining? There are plenty of things I don't like myself, and I could write comments that contained nothing but biased negativity. But I don't. One reason being... nobody f***ing cares!
2016-02-13 05:55:35
@Westes Oh shucks, thanks for calling me generous. But yeah, everyone has their own taste. In the end it's henai so no one cares XD
2016-02-13 06:38:14
@Zero I said nobody cares about my own biased negative opinions, if they even care about my opinions at all. Nowhere did I directly say nobody cares about your biased opinions. In case you didn't realize, "nobody cares" is another way for some of us to say "keep your negative **** to yourself". When I write these rants, I can't expect others to care. I just want to get my valid point across, but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me happy that other people agreed with me. Isn't that one of the reasons we post positive comments, or discuss with each other? I care when people get **** they don't deserve, and most of the time they're so minor it's not really worth to mention or rant about. But sometimes, I just gotta dig a bit in order raise valid points in my arguements so I can be satisfied when I vent out. Just like how some of you keep ****posting, I guess.
2016-02-13 08:10:31
Jesus christ, people on this site think Erza is overated, people on 420chan hate Hinata, what is this world coming to.
2016-02-13 14:34:11
Erza is a sexy Goddess you have to deal with it :D --- I just hope it will be more Yuri (lesbian) requests with Erza :P
2016-02-14 06:06:28
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but in regards of expressing dislikes, it gets to a point where you start to sound like a complete whiner when you keep saying you don't like certain characters/niche. If I kept commenting about how I can't stand hentai of Tsunade, some people will get ****ed and respond to me.
2016-02-14 15:44:29
2016-02-17 23:54:47
No I agree, it's getting old now, stop with the Erza porn please
2016-08-21 14:09:00
I notice that there's alot of hate for Erza within this post. Seriously for those wondering why there are so much requests for Erza, it's because she's popluar, hot and someone who has characterstics that are common fuel for hentai much in the same vein as Tsunade, Rangiku and Robin. For the Jerza fans bitching about the lack of Jerza hentai, how many vanilla hentai pairings you see on this site? This is a site with mainly hardcore hentai, not many people are into softcore porn. For those bitching about too much Erza hentai, you know there's a thing called votes and commisons on the site, try using them or trying to get better ideas or characters around and for those bitching about the lack of Jerza hentai make your own.
2021-01-23 15:21:31
Erza looks amazing.I love it.