2015-08-02 06:06:46
Great job, both look really accurate and love the attention to detail on clothing
2015-08-02 07:04:17
Thanks, TOFUK - glad you lke it. Haha yeah, I'm pleased with how her outfit turned out. I was quite a challenge findin good ref pictures to see the detail.
2015-08-02 14:12:54
hey look so good...this normal pic or animated?
2015-08-02 15:08:02
Thanks, Tiduslockhart - it's not animated I'm afraid. I'm going to try to do more stuff here which means I'm starting to do still images too. I'll still be doing mostly animated loops though. :)
2015-08-03 06:30:25
Would you consider adapting still images into animations if they are well received?
2020-05-30 16:26:27
this is impressive