2015-07-11 10:53:50
Commission for D_malice. Yeah, clownkage return :P
2015-07-11 11:04:37
Great pic and dat naruto lol.
2015-07-11 16:43:42
A real clusterfuck
2015-07-11 17:27:45
The worstest bicture on this site, 3 of my hate characters... 3. Ay 2. Bee 1.Hinata.......
2015-07-11 17:47:51
2015-07-11 19:09:15
2015-07-11 22:01:11
@Trimtram2: Time to unleash the beast (Kurama) >:)
2015-07-11 22:09:10
Clownkage strikes again
2015-07-12 05:35:04
He goes kyuuby, **** all of them, and elopes with Koyuki. Happy ending
2015-07-12 08:01:05
2015-07-12 09:18:17
Awesome dude :D cheers to Clownkage ^^
2015-07-19 06:33:25
hate ir
2015-08-17 00:04:17
2017-11-11 14:31:13
very good
2020-05-27 01:08:01
so beutiful *w*