2015-07-01 16:19:53
1st try on Bleach characters >< , and naruto
2015-07-01 16:23:46
Haven't you ever done naruto requests? Well tbh it loooooooks really good bro. Can't say about the bleach characters since I don't watch it but Kushina is accurate and naruto looks like the last version with shorter hair which is still really good. You did a great job!
2015-07-01 16:26:58
^ actually this was the 1st one. Than the fuu/naruto, like weeks ago :O
2015-07-01 16:46:44
i saw this pic 2 days ago whats happing
2015-07-01 16:46:51
2015-07-01 17:00:11
^ OMG!! well it's the intarwebs... kinda felt a bit nice since someone posted that on some other sites @__@
2015-07-01 17:09:52
Wincest! And you did a great work with the Bleach chars!
2015-07-01 18:24:51
2015-07-01 19:48:00
when you ill do fairy tail pic love your art and fair tail are just amazing
2015-07-02 00:29:38
Ichigo's fulfulling his role as the man of the family now :D
2015-07-02 03:46:16
You did Bleach good.
2015-07-02 06:14:52
^ thanks
2015-07-13 05:42:42
good art
2015-08-08 01:35:54
Karin has a really nice body, ill like to see more of Karin
2020-01-11 12:25:41
Good crossover. Ichigo looks like young Rangiku.
2020-05-26 01:37:29
W******!!!! good name :p