2015-06-05 02:24:54
i wish people would use good ideas for these great artists.. i mean zelda. geeze. i'm liking only cause i like Jims work. the idea stunk
2015-06-05 02:52:44
Oh, well thank you! I just opened a new poll, you should try luck! Opened for commissions: [email protected]
2015-06-05 04:18:44
This orcs gangbang is hot. Your Zelda look nice :)
2015-06-05 05:22:39
Awesome work.
2015-06-05 08:36:06
Wasnt any kind of monsters now forbidden? Or mby this idea and poll was posted b4 that happend
2015-06-05 08:48:52
Would orcs be considered monsters though? They are more of a specific species. You wouldn't call elves or dwarfs monsters would you?
2015-06-05 11:23:19
"No Zombies/Undead, only human beings No monsters/tentacles" It specifically says only human beings so, and the difference between an elf/human is like night and day compared to human/orc
2015-06-05 11:28:00
v_v Orcs are monsters.
2015-06-05 11:46:55
This is what happens when you've been cooked up in the palace too long ;) Awesome work, EdJim!
2015-06-05 13:33:35
There is a gang of strange green-skinned men displayed. Do they look like humanoids? - yes! Do they have tentacles? - no. At this point of view there are no monsters on the pic.
2015-06-05 13:46:22
Elves, they are all sluts
2015-06-05 17:14:21
Well, you can't make a fantasy hentai w/o at least one elf getting fucked :P
2015-06-05 23:12:31
Thank you guys, i appreciate the support! :D
2015-06-06 21:05:32
Edjim im very pleased you keep outdoing yourself each time. You made my idea come to life in bustyness perfection ! Truly outstanding you made zelda look stunning here in every panel is faultless. Thank you everbody who supported my idea.
2015-06-06 23:05:35
Thank you, i'm glad you liked it!
2015-06-08 09:07:32
orcs and elves, a classic
2015-06-08 12:36:29
2015-06-09 06:19:57
a total slut
2016-07-03 15:57:23
nice picture