I want to see Miya from Sekirei in a full nelson anal position. She will be naked. I'd like for her to have a shocked expression in the pics like seen in the reference with the real woman. No condom needed.
I'd like to have 4 images total. One where the dick is still outside of her like in the other full nelson reference, then the sex begins in the next pic. Then I want cum alts for the 2 pics. The only difference between the 2 sets besides the obvious cum, is that I'd like for Miya's asshole to be gaping in the final image where the dick is back out of her. Ignore how deformed the dick looks in the reference image, that's not how I want it to be shaped.
Also I'd like for her blush to be heavier in both the cum pics compared to the non-cum pics. Her facial expression will remain the same throughout all of them.
I want her to be centered perfectly in the middle of the pic. No clipping parts of her ass into outside the image like the reference did please. And please straighten her out since in the reference image, the woman is tilted a bit. I wish to keep in contact with the artist and see sketches to approve them or make changes if needed. Thank you!