2018-06-16 05:26:45
You just don't disappoint.
2018-06-16 05:30:05
Is it the fantasy you wanted, does it look good?
2018-06-16 05:31:11
It's great!
2018-06-16 05:33:43
I think it's a great threesome, and Zangya looks great in the middle
2018-06-16 05:34:44
Agreed, you draw a phenomenal Zangya.
2018-06-16 05:40:54
see videl in the middle the next time it would not be bad, looking at ***** and zangya taking care of his butt
2018-06-16 05:45:26
i'm gonna try and think of a part 2.
2018-06-16 05:52:16
sure something good happens to you, I'll wait
2018-06-16 14:48:45
You did a really great job on imitating Toriyama's style
2018-06-16 15:58:21
Thank you very much for watching and commenting on it. I worked hard to make it look like the style
2018-06-23 04:02:47
Switched to unlisted. Alien skin.