2017-05-13 05:28:52
gdi, the feels while drawing this. gotta rewatch the anime.
2017-05-13 08:38:57
Mission accomplished :P
2017-05-13 09:07:34
This is nice, but we need more Yoko x Simon. He'd be the only guy to survive her kiss of death. ;)
2017-05-14 18:09:49
i can't get past the toturial for falp titans it wont' let me move past it wen i **** all 10 monsters the next never spawns plz fix
2017-05-15 06:43:00
@Darrelmartin002 This is the wrong page to complain about that.
2020-03-08 06:55:11
Hate what happened to Nia at the end of the series.