2017-04-24 17:07:44
wow, whoever thought of this idea needs to slow the breaks after at lest 12 characters, sheesh, this is great, but well, 'Overboard' :P
2017-04-24 19:21:45
2017-04-24 19:45:14
@kenshi tbh I love it. Great job edjim and the person that suggested it
2017-04-24 21:52:41
That is one hell of a pic.
2017-04-24 22:14:58
Great job ed
2017-04-25 00:13:10
gonna need a magnifier for this
2017-04-25 17:16:59
2017-04-26 10:45:58
There bikini's are really cool. But, guys need to be there to make the situation more exciting.
2017-04-29 22:04:35
Thank you, you did a great job!
2017-05-07 02:14:35
^_^ Glad you liked it