2017-03-27 17:08:41
and you just ruined revy for me.
2017-03-27 18:42:44
Are we back to random, unrequested futa pictures from Edjim? Fuck yeah, count me in(if they're really done in your spare time, just remember that there is this hot chick called Orihime. *wink wink*)
2017-03-27 20:18:58
Not random, lol, these are some private commissions.
2017-03-27 21:33:49
Nevermind then. Still, great job as always.
2017-03-28 23:51:38
... Can they not be private commissions? Still, beautiful job, Edjim.
2017-03-31 00:03:39
i think i'd take the bullet
2017-04-01 18:07:05
wish there was a non-futa verson =/