2016-12-06 18:18:56
Sorry for the late upload, got busy around the weekend so Erza week got delayed considering but the show must go on. Let's just said Erza+*****=Insanely preverted slut. Seriously i'm hald suprised this wasn't in the actual Omake considering how some of the Ecchi in FT borders Hentai already. Anyways everyone has to please the Guildmaster because Guildmaster rules and all the men must pleasure her with their cocks and all the women must as clean up crew licking up any semen within her holes and body. Hey i don't write the rules here, that's just how Erza rolls, not like you'll aruge with it if your in their poistion. Don't worry i've not been gone without trying to improve my work a bit. I still think this picture could've came out better than i wished for.
2016-12-06 19:53:21
This must of been a pain, but your doing different things, the only thing to say is to start a bit of finesse 'smoothing' the characters.
2016-12-06 21:35:28
Not bad man, really nice!
2016-12-07 20:47:01
Where's Wendy? :v
2017-09-28 15:24:06
cant play it cuz im not paying $130