2016-11-18 14:30:38
I had some free time so thought I'd spend it coloring the BW version. I like to add 'subtitles' lol I hope you like :D
2016-11-18 15:17:39
That's Great Buddy . Keep It Up
2016-11-18 17:52:30
@shinobibrush You did great man. Looks very good. Are you also going to draw some naruto/fairy tail art?
2016-11-18 18:38:07
@Xsn1989 - Thanks - I imagine it's anal, but luffy has a bendy dick, so could be pussy ;)
2016-11-18 18:38:29
@Saly.hero - thanks, will do
2016-11-18 18:40:08
@Swagger - thank you! Yeah, I'm happy how this turned out. I'm sketching a Fairy Tail one atm. Definitely Naruto (if I can think of a cool idea).
2016-11-18 19:40:52
Great job :3
2016-11-18 22:59:28
Great job
2016-11-19 02:11:31
Not bad!
2017-03-18 12:07:51
Whentai had problems losing a lot of artwork uploads. I also had data lose issues a while ago so lost my original HD versions. I could only recover low res versions from HF. Sorry about that but hope it doesn't stop the enjoyment :)
2020-09-26 22:30:32
boa looks very good.I like it.