2016-10-14 01:11:56
Hey EdJim, some tags are wrong in here. Otherwise Omega Good Job! I like Rei's expression here
2016-10-14 01:44:46
Rei and Shizuka expressions are awesome edjim. Great art once again maybe bigger boobs for both still by far amazing edjim. Also creatory nice idea.
2016-10-14 06:54:25
very nice, good job guys
2016-10-14 09:04:17
I like both girls, yet I find the Saeko one more hot. I always love strong sexy girls, and Saeko is no exception. :)
2016-10-15 15:10:28
2016-11-22 02:03:55
Oh yeah boobies and sex. lol
2018-08-18 20:01:41
Wtf why fairy tail tag?
2019-03-20 15:39:36
2 of the most Sexy girls Zombies, and they know how to give love both the Artist and Takashi
2019-03-25 14:55:32
Well This a Perfect Bleach Day
2020-03-03 00:50:14
To bad the author could not finish the series.
2022-05-08 12:22:21
i need to be fucked st the beach and my womb filled with hot cum ~
2023-02-06 23:04:05
I mean got a re-populate the Earth
2023-05-12 09:39:18
If we had the proper beach episode this would be on it