"Never mess with a Dom's family" page 1
Two Panel Comic
First panel:
ChiChi, hands on her hips and has a whip, has a confused expression noticing Goten tied up in between two anons. She is questioning herself why Goten is there. Goten has a small bit of precum coming out.
The scene should look similar to attached photo 1. Goten is blindfolded and ****ed. He has his erect 8 inch cock with estim devices and wrapped up like attached photo 2 but his balls are exposed and it's black instead of red.
Second Panel:
(ChiChi and Bulma are facing each other. Panel should have their whole body from knee up)
Dom ChiChi is questioning Dom Bulma why her son is tied up and a submissive. She talks about the no family members rule. Bulma says she can't help it that Goten is so cute and she wants him to be her new pet. Goten is seen in the background between them still tied up.
Both Dom ChiChi and Bulma should be busty like photos.
Dom ChiChi has shiny latex clothes like attached photo 3 but her breasts are buttoned up
Dom Bulma has shiny latex clothes like attached photo 4 and also has a black strapon visible.
Goten should look young adult, 18 years old with hair like attached photo 5.
Anon males can just be silhouettes.
Try to emulate the latex clothing from examples best you can. Thank you!