Blog Posts by Mindinside

Added: 2024-12-02 16:55:59
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog

Now i'm really surpsided by it

i was testing an a.i and it surprised me on how much it improved!

the characters are gray and erza
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2024-12-04 00:18:23

    It surprised me too.'
    These are all AI-generated
    I especially like this one

  • 2024-12-05 20:53:02

    yeah and the fact that all these a.i are still just babies is insane! they're already this good with only 4 years

Added: 2023-09-28 13:33:05
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog

I think this to be quite interesting

recently i went out to see what these a.i can do and it surprised me a little, like this is a hell of a weapon if an artist use it for it's own favor i suppose, i orderd a bot to draw this and even if it's not that very detailed if i were an artist i can only imagine of how much i could use of it to help me out with many things regarding certain aspects of drawing
Discussion: (8 comments)
  • 2023-09-28 13:37:01

    like desging of clothes and such, or if i need to do something fast i could get the pose of a character and redraw over it to change what was needed to be acordinlgy with what i wanted and greatly save my time in the process and many more things, but since i'm not an artist i can't do anything with it if not look at it

  • 2023-09-28 13:38:11

    you people that can draw should be exstensively using it for your own good i think!

  • 2023-09-28 15:15:14

    In fact, it is useful to use AI for this type of purpose, although many people think that customers are stupid and end up using it as a quick way out rather than using it as support. From the rush and charging money that they do not deserve, I feel that there is a lot to learn as people before using these tools.

  • 2023-09-28 15:38:01

    AI is useful for expanding original art. If the art leaves off the top of the head, an arm, hand, or leg/foot.
    To change hair/clothes color
    Add expand/change the BG
    It does work better on photography
    IMVHO, it's a new tool for artists and photographers.
    My main objection is most AI tools have censorship based on words not content. Bare arms/legs/feet are not "dirty" An all-day sucker is just a big lollypop Etc. Etc. Etc. and so on.

  • 2023-09-28 16:12:23

    about the censorship it is annoying but i belive that in the future there will be A.I completely not familyfriendly, because we should at least be able to choose what we want or not to see instead of someoen saying what you can or cannot see! anyways we just need to wait and see how things will develop in the coming years

  • 2023-09-28 16:24:15

    this thing here shows how much crazy a.i is geting

  • 2023-09-28 23:40:47

    As an artist I would not use an art AI, I already tried them and I didn't like it, and they do it well but it takes away the passion of the art, it is like playing a soccer game but only the remaining 10 minutes, even if you win you feel that the victory is not it's yours. I don't know if you know Kim Jung Gi, that's how I would like to draw and I know that with an AI I won't be able to do it, Fernando Botero, you can get his interviews and he said that he literally spent his time making works all day, and the one about money It's not that he needed to, I imagine that at his age instead of drawing he could watch Netflix, but he found drawing more enjoyable. There is also the issue that there is a lot of stolen art and I would not feel good taking someone else's work, because just as AI can generate, there are those who already make it possible for you to download the artists' work directly for the AI. In fact, now that I think about it, I don't like the fact that you posted this here, but it's my thought.

  • 2023-10-01 16:08:25

    You are IMVHO mostly right. Using existing art, not yours is bad regardless of how it's obtained. But if you already drew something and decided yourself or from a request need to expand the picture, would you really like to draw it all over again? Same for changing hair, skin, or outfit colors?

Added: 2023-08-23 02:45:52
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog

a.i art should not be accepted in here!

they are cool and all but! this is a site for real artist to sell their art not for a machine image creation! like come on why are there accounts that only does this and being accepted as artists that can accept commissions?

i even saw someone who paid for an a.i art (A.I ART!!!) man why would you pay for that if you can get for free!

well this is a site for human creations not machine's so if any admin of the site is here you should consider cleaning those out of the site!
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2023-08-23 13:35:25

    You should just not pay attention to this works, most artist on this site barely upload stuff other than commissions that are always displayed on the main pages and nobody really gonna buy AI stuff anyway the only times it happened where isolated cases that have explanations of why it happened, maybe Moldrad is the only person on this site which could fall to buy AI...

  • 2023-08-23 16:29:08

    Allredy bought Ai 2times if im corect

  • 2023-08-25 20:37:22

    This AI crap does need to go! its not art!

  • 2023-08-27 14:44:47

    Totally agree!!

Added: 2023-08-11 14:22:17
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog

should i cancel my comissions?

i have 2 in wait and i was thinking to use them (the evs) it sums up to 1055 it have passsed a lot of time in waiting so i decided to open a poll, i just wonder if there is any artist working here yet!

Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2023-08-11 14:53:55

    Yes, always cancel after a month, specially if the artist dont ever bother to contact you

    Im still here and you clearly like hardcore stuff like just like me, we can do something good and not having to wait months for it :)

  • 2023-08-11 15:45:11

    yeah i understand! but i try to hold it until i lose interest in the idea once that happens there's no other way if not to cancel the idea, and since i don't like to repeat my ideas if i abandon one it's goodbye to it! and thanks for the offer by the way! but i already have something in mind! but i suppose we can try something in the future when i put more evs here if what i want to do goes out smoothly

  • 2023-08-11 19:12:57

    ErzaxZoro1991 and Milkonhunny have not been able to work lately.
    ErzaxZoro1991 is back
    Milkonhunny isn't.
    cancel Milkonhunny
    wait on ErzaxZoro1991
    Have you heard from the artist lately?

  • 2023-08-11 19:42:56

    oh! mine are other artists! well they still enter but we don't speak with each other! i don't like to have to send messages to urge others to do something or at least shouldn't be needed! so i just wait for it to be done! but well if it didn't worked this time maybe next time might work it out!

  • 2023-08-20 22:02:19

    Milkonhunny is back
    ErzaxZoro1991 is working again.

Added: 2023-08-05 23:40:04
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog


what do you think about this story here?

(External ) becoming twisted
Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2023-08-05 23:43:14

    i found this one recentely! don't know if that is your kind of story but i guess it is based on the others you shared here!

  • 2023-08-06 00:22:04

    Yep, I already know that, love when the sisters are *****d to fight eating each other pussys

    Oyster is good artist but I dont know, the more the history move forward I end losing interest, the draws and organization start becoming more messed up or something with the panels being saturated on stuff, dont know how to explain it. always like how his doujins starts but I eventually lost interest on, the last one he produce for example it was about an abusive mother and her daugther in a new appartment and both are ****d, it starts very good but now in part 4 I already lost interest... Not sure why but it alwas happen me with Oysters works

  • 2023-08-06 00:31:40

    maybe if he did storys with less chapters it would solve that thing! sometimes having less is better than having a lot! for example i don't think this story (becoming twisted) needed all the 9 chapters it got! well but not that it matters much is hentai after all!

  • 2023-08-06 00:51:37

    Yeah, I think you have a good a point, the story dont real move on at one point and it just become the same over and over, fixed with less chapters

  • 2023-08-06 11:59:57

    I still prefer the "monaka udon" series
    External /

  • 2023-08-06 12:42:16

    the art is cool! any doujinshi with black magician girl catch my attention!

Added: 2022-11-06 03:34:20
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog

idea for a better rewarding system for wh members and artists both

i was thinking about the karma thing and all and how some people have an issue with the way it is now (the spamming of comments and other stuff) so i though why not take what it's already there but try to make it better so i came up with an idea, a way of reawarding not only the member but the artists as well (well josuke if you like the idea there it is you are free to use it)

1- for members to earn karma they have to comment and like the uploads right! they only have to do this nothing more, so how about the autor of the upload itself rate the quality of the comment instead? with a buton of like and dislike or something (maybe givin the commentator some karma look [pedroillusion liked a comment of moldrad so he gave him 10 karma for his comment] something like this), so the people would not earn karma with spam messages

2- the artist with the higher rate of good comments and likes in the week win a reward of evs in the weekly chalange too

3- every member can participate, and the reward would be like
1st place 100 evs for the artist and a chance of a commission with (him/her) for the member who ended in first (somethign that both sides agree on doing of course)

the 2nd place 30 evs for the artist and member

for the 3rd place 20 evs for both artist and member

what you all peoplething about it?
Discussion: (18 comments)
  • 2022-11-06 03:35:45

    sorry for the errors of writing!

  • 2022-11-06 04:03:00

    1- Once I thought on similar idea and even thought suggest about it but ultimately realised its a flawed plan for some reasons

    A) That implies artist attention and lets be honest 99% of artist here are just to get paid, really low amount of artist would participate most likely, WHentai is faw away from having an actual community which is the only way a system like that could work
    B) Some artist may do some cheesy tactis like only fave selected/close people for them, giving this users advantagers over some other

    2- That generate the same problem with the current reward system, artists could give likes to anyone comment just to win ev to itselfs and not actually to reward good comments, overall making pointlesss the artist vote

    3- Honestly I dont know why VIP members are not allowed to participate, that always sound wrong to me, like literally this people do more for the site than all the spammers and yet are this last ones the ones who get prize for doing absolute nothing beneficial for the site, literally since the reward system begins, real people stop participating (Mostly due the horrible notification system that doesnt work anymore) so now 99% of the comments made in Whentai are completely empty and soulless almot copy and paste with slightly different words for majority of the time and likes are never real ones, I prefer having 5 faves if are legits one than 20 if all comes from spammers

  • 2022-11-06 04:09:09

    Wow, nice to see I'm not the only one writing long poems ^^

    Mindinside's idea would be a very nice first step that would also ensure artists don't have their works clogged up with similar sentences or pre-built ones (usually including the name of the character or series or even reusing the tags/title is enough to generate a "human" sentence). The only motivation for commenting or liking should really be if the user liked a work/commission or wants to encourage the artist.

    Limiting likes and comments for "karma" scoring is a must - unless I am mistaken, there is no real hard cap on comments at the moment, only likes (there are more than enough recent works to "strategically comment" right before the weekly update - "strategically" feeling quite off on the ethical side of things here, because the community is supposed to spend more than a couple seconds, or minutes, if they really like an artwork piece). While a change would obviously not change anything for freeloaders who already achieved VIP status in record time (and only affect new contenders), since it will be slower but also limited, there will also be less stress on the servers, and those members will also be *****d to allow others to have a "VIP membership trial".

    There is no perfect solution to this, but keeping it as obscure as possible (for example by not displaying the score at all) will make it much harder to game the system and instead contribute either financially or objectively to WH's growth, by being an active part of helping the artist community as a non-artist, contributing to existing commissions (much like the current idea system, but also rewarding the extra efforts of the artist) and so on.

    The next option, which will likely be favored by all, would just be to disable it altogether and restrict it solely to EV purchases (at the risk of becoming a huge money toss competition), though again, all accounts that have benefited from the current system will have an unfair advantage (which probably includes all accounts older than a week having actively participated in the lottery).

    If this isn't classified information, Josuke, what fraction of WH's income (that allows for infrastructure maintenance, artist payouts, etc) do ads and content partners currently generate? If the main lottery holders end up never buying EVs at all, that won't really benefit WHentai in the long run, even if they still have to use EVs as VIP members (and then refill them, currently using a cyclic method).

    TOFUK's idea (on Josuke's blog) from 2020 still stands, though whether it ends in a "how much can you afford and are you willing to spend to flex" competition is another story... It would definitely benefit WHentai, of course, but it has its drawbacks as well.

  • 2022-11-06 04:22:10

    An AJAX refresh option on the blog would be nice for ninja situations for super long posts too haha.

    Pedroillusions has a nice point. I can confirm that *after* learning about the lottery system, almost no one will genuinely like a recent work, since works are produced too slowly (it takes time and effort to draw things and that is a lot of work unless that's pure copy and paste) to generate the user's precious "karma". If they liked it fair and square, then they sacrificed potential points without being aware of it. And calling it a sacrifice just feels wrong, really, they should be more concerned about having motivated a hard-working artist (or someone who's genuinely trying; even lower quality works displayed on WHentai have some redeeming value, and definitely more than a bunch of words or "naruto one piece" "chainsaw man" making the artist go what the hell just happened if they aren't used to it) by giving them an unique thumbs-up.

    Which is one more reason to completely hide the toplist on the server's side, out of reach of anyone but the administration. If no one knows how well they fared and are pleasantly surprised to find out they were properly active to get a top spot, then that will motivate them to keep doing it that way. Randomly changing things and preventing "streaks" would also ensure everyone gets there eventually (barring undetected multi-accounts and similar kinds of communicating accounts, but that's a different story).

    Sorry for the long poems and the grammar mistakes!

  • 2022-11-06 04:33:44

    i think a rotative system could do the trick (winners of week 1 coudn't participate of week 2, the winners of week 2 couldn't go for week 3 and so on) this would ensure to always rotate winners so every one would have a chance

  • 2022-11-06 04:45:37

    The karma system is the way it is not great overall, but your way would't be a upgrade and i guess you missed the point of the system.

    Its there for free members to win EV to become VIP members, once they are, the only way to generate fresh EVs is by buying some.
    (So Whentai hopes to profit from it in the long run)

    The system now is for free members only and spam comments and like pictures. Work = Reward by a neutral system.

    They commit with there time on the website (If the spam bot stuff don't arise yet again)

    Your system would just remove a neutral work = reward system from free members and turn it into something random and a corrupted popularity contest.

    You can't let people who decide also to benefit directly from there decision.

    Such like systems exist on webcam sites.
    A webmodel like/rate members.
    There are also contest for webmodels.

    Do you know which models/members win them?

    The very same few ones each week.

    Members with the most money spread it around on the site, every models wants that money so they like them.

    and well some models are simply more popular then others.

  • 2022-11-06 04:58:40

    well if they are expecting for them to turn vip they have to make something about certaing things, i have saw some people that won 100 evs lots of time and they were already with an status of (almost vip 800+) but they never got to a vip status at all, so theres something wrong in it right? how can someone that is almost vip win 100 evs more than 3 times but not turn into a vip strange right!

  • 2022-11-06 05:12:35

    You don't get EV's as reward. You get an code as reward, which you have to redeem in order to get EV's.

    If you don't redeem the code there are no Ev's in your balance.
    The system to VIP member count only the EVs you have gained on that account.

    So if they win and win and don't use the codes, they can stack it, give the codes to others, sell it or whatever else you can possible do with such a promo code.

    The question is if the code have a expiry date., otherwise they can stack it possible to infinity and gain more then 1000 Evs in an instant once they redeem all the codes at onces.

  • 2022-11-06 05:22:09

    well i don't want to say the name of the person in question but i checked his member page and he already had payed 12 commissions the total amount of evs the 12 commissions have acumulated is 1.100 but there he is not a vip (like if he never reached the total amount yet) the last commission he payed is about an year ago, about the codes i think they do not expire!

  • 2022-11-06 19:19:28

    I don't understand why commenting pictures you call spamming ... I think that, for example, on Facebook you comment on photos
    your families, friends, will you also call it spamming? For me and I think most spamming is when user:
    a. write random comment, for example "Black Clover" - I see comments like this on a regular basis
    b. keeps pasting the same comment - I remember there was a user who wrote under each image: "nice image"
    c. pastes reflinks

    If anyone wants to see real spamming of comments, have a look at the home page and see the activity of Feetlover10005 user...


    Sorry, but your ideas are, as other users wrote, not well thought out. The current karma system is ok in my opinion. The karma system is a very good motivation to be active on the site. If I changed something, I wouldn't count likes to karma. I've had these situations several times that I've been active in the comments all week. Then some user does spamming 'likes' in a few minutes and suddenly I'm out of the top 3...


    ``now 99% of the comments made in Whentai are completely empty and soulless ''

    I completely disagree with what you wrote. Empty in the comments would be without us commentators. It is thanks to us here is no empty in the comments, just some life. You write that ''now'', that is, I understand that you did not think so before karma? I like writing, but also reading comments and watching archival images and reading comments in them, I don't see much difference in the level of comments to currentliest. I understand that comments like "super", "hot" (just such short 1-3 words were once the most) were already full and with soul to you?

  • 2022-11-06 19:57:11


    Comments should contain reasons of why people like/hate the picture, suggestions of what the artist should improve, maybe discussion of the anime/serie, jokes about, something that someone else could reply back, have you never see youtube comments for example? I mean I probably expecting much of almost dead porn site but you cant negate that these comments were made with the pure intention of earn karma

  • 2022-11-06 20:59:19

    haha you specially searched for these comments to fit your theories xD
    Well sometimes it's hard to write something original, if for example there are several versions of the same commission ... If you have been browsing / following my comments, you have certainly seen that I am trying to write different comments. For me, my comments (you wrote 99% of the comments on whentai, so I understand you meant me too) are not 'empty and soulless' comments, because I am writing what I think.

    Overall, I understand what you mean. However, you must understand that everyone has their own style of commenting and you cannot require users to write what you want to see. Whentai, this is fortunately not Russia, where is imposed what you can / can't write. If user not to spam with one comment everywhere (like this week's Feetlover10005 for example) then I don't see a problem.

  • 2022-11-06 21:19:32

    I wouldnt call that a "search" I literally only have to check my last 10 submissions, if I even search (which I not gonna do) its safe to think I would find hundreds to thousand of similiar messages...

  • 2022-11-06 23:49:50

    Yeah, honestly, the system for non-VIP users to get Free EV's just doesn't work how it is now. You could put in a lot of hard work to get in a good position, then some rando can come in, spam likes and trash-tier comments, and knock you out of your spot like it's no big deal. I'd stepped away from this site for over two years, and even with a TWO YEAR BACKLOG OF SUBMISSIONS, I STILL couldn't keep the #1 spot when I came back. That should tell people something about the problem.

  • 2022-11-07 00:41:51

    Pedroillusions perfectly understood the difference between the three kinds of comments: pure robot spam, extremely quick hit-and-run for karma (deactivated VIPs' favorite method as yes, deactivated VIPs can still get karma to reactivate it and lo and behold, repeat it by simply not claiming the codes for obvious reasons) and actual reviews.

    @DanteHentaiLover Good point. As you probably understood, the codes don't expire and many multiple accounts (against the terms of service) have yet to be detected and tied to main accounts or communicating ones. Now assume one of those accounts is an artist account that can also withdraw the EVs if the codes don't even check for who redeems them. Nothing exactly suggests they are account-bound (they really should have been since day one). If they don't expire but are bound, they can still be stockpiled until the next reactivation cycle.

    @Nero Yup, at least you have accumulated over 300 EVs. Keep trying or just purchase the rest, really, it'll be faster. If people wanted to seriously game this system, all they'd have to do would be to create accounts (their only one, remember, we're going with the terms of service) and then simply like the most recent works and comment on enough of them, starting with the older ones of the ones that actually count. Funny, right? Then old users who took a break would still get kicked by, as you said, "randos".

    If those non-paying users do take the time to write actual reviews (like, you know, the elements of the picture/animation/game you enjoyed, what the artist should work on, and so on) then you'd better hope not too many users will be going for a hit and run or you might not even be in the top 15 at all, let alone the top 3 (with 17 users just here for "better luck next time" each week). Sure, you run out of things to say after a while. But then you just don't comment and drop out of the list instead of polluting the works.

    Add to this the irony of buying EV packs in the hopes that they will outscore someone who never bought a single EV yet is a deactivated VIP this way, and failing to do so. That must be pretty jarring to the person who literally spent money just to compete in a free player contest where the only rule is anything goes as long as it is within the terms of service.

    Even if this were to be fixed somehow, it would still mean it had been blatantly *****d for quite a while. Feels really bad for the creators who have to skim through all that junk, and it definitely won't get any better. Probably best for them to hide the comment field altogether.

    I guess I'll buy the remaining EVs because I refuse to comment with variations of "great sex, it's hot" on every single work. That's insulting to a creator who spent hours, days, weeks or even months on what they uploaded.

    - DarkNano

  • 2022-11-07 16:49:02


    You made my day! Haha
    It's very funny that a user who for the last 1.5 years, when he was active, only spammed likes and pasted one long comment everywhere, writes about spamming others.... If I were you, after your next spamming last week, I would be quiet in this topic.

    2. Coming back to main topic, I add 20-35(so 2-5 one day) comments a week. Is it so much? I think that I am even more active on other sites, such as Facebook. As I wrote earlier, I try to add different comments, which can be seen, for example, here:


    If someone thinks my activity here is spamming then I don't agree, but ok, I understand that everyone can have their own opinion.

    That's all I wanted to write on this topic.

  • 2022-11-08 00:14:47


    Ehhh, this is my next and last comment to you and on this topic in general, because I'm starting to do real spamming under Mindinside's post ...
    I don't know anymore if you are seriously writing it all or if it is trolling. I comment on what I see in picture, while you mindlessly and massively paste the same comment, probably without even looking at the pictures. If you seriously, you don't see the difference between your activity and my activity on the site, this is your problem... If I were doing what you are doing then I would have no problem admitting to spamming, what is spamming for me, I wrote before.

    Pictures, which I comment I watch on before, I can also see those that are paywall, nopublic view. However, they are in very low resolution. What is this magic way? I will not write because he respects the works of artists and does not want to deprive them of their earnings. If you think he is lying, send me a link with a random picture on a PM, it will show you that I can see picture normally.


    I have thought over your suggestions and I think it is true that my comments could be more qualitative and elaborate. I even have an idea how to change it !

  • 2022-11-08 17:23:07

    Don’t Trust Mindinside

Added: 2022-10-31 01:51:59
# Link to the post in Mindinside's Blog

about evs and reliability on the site

since there is some discussions about payments and things related with evs, i have some things i want to ask and say

first thing: how many of you (costumers/clients) are here now that buy evs on a regular basis, and how many of you earn money in dolar? (for me i can only buy in a basis of 2 to 2 months, in my country the dolar is very expensive like 1 of my country money is equal to 5 dolars)

second thing: for the artists! it's not much wise to depend entirely of only one place to earn money when you work on your own, it's wise to make lot's of pillars cuz if one crumbles down you will not fall with it, this site is convenient? yes! but it's not perfect, so you all have to make sure to have lots of opened doors for work, like youtube, patreon, twitter, twitch, forums etc... finding ways to atract people to your works, of course you all already know that! but it's not easy to earn money with artistic careers you have to work to stay on the stares of the sucess and that is quite tiresome but that's the way it is.

third thing: is the site trustworthy enough for me and others to keep buying evs, i'm here cuz it's secure and the evs system is kind of practical for costumers, but it will be useless if there would to be a lack of artists, have the site gone trhough such dificulties before? if yes good it means it managed to survive, but if not then what to expect from now on?
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2022-10-31 03:04:10

    1- I think you explained wrong, if 1 unit of your country money worth 5 dollars, then dollar would not be expensive in your country, literally cheaper than your money xD In my country 1 dollar is equivalent to 20 units of my country money

    2- I have used Whentai as my main payment method 95% of the time in the last 5 years, so its quite a shame this is happening but with all honestly I was expecting something to happen sooner or later, it was to good to stay

    3- From what I can remember there have never being any problem with payments before, I have 2 conclusions of what is happening (pure speculation)

    (1) The problem may be related to Ukraine war, so is pretty screwed if its the case, no way to tell if it ever will get fixed
    (2) Technically a best scenario but still sucks, the Paypal account was suspended and could take up to 3 months to be solved

    But hey, its just a theory.... A Whentai Theory!!!

  • 2022-10-31 04:23:10

    Hello from the Literature Club!

    I'm not sure how long WH has been around - 8 years, 10 years...? My account is only about one year and a half old but I can see art back from 2015 in the archives, so it is kind of hard to tell without Josuke or Nastia coming up about it so people can start buying EVs again and artists get relieved. Foureiz, Mtrellex and others probably PM'd them about the matter already to try and get an answer.

    I initially thought it could be an issue with PayPal's terms of services as they have never really been too keen on adult stuff even within their new branch. But that of course is also just a theory, and seeing that WH managed to use it as a payment processor for this long as a middleman, PayPal seemed to be okay with this, at least.

    To add to what Pedroillusions said - sorry, I am not an artist myself!
    1. EVs are more advantageous to buy in bulk so I take it people almost always go for the 60 or 100 US dollar packs. The bigger packs are about 4 EVs per USD as opposed to 2. Commissions also are likely to be 100+ EVs and VIP status is... 1000? 2000? I don't really think it is a local currency conversion issue even with the ongoing crisis, unless someone lives in a country where the USD exchange rate is abysmal.
    2. Many artists have set up contracts with different platforms by now, though they also have highlighted WH is their go-to for artist-commissioner coordination. WH even seems to use a Patreon itself in addition to it own model. That still will never be the same as a full-time commission-dedicated platform but sites at 0% fees on artists tend to be rare, if they even exist at all, or there is almost always a catch. Or artists and commissioners could just decide to do business the old way (before WH was a thing, or before they used it) and maybe even use a different payment processor if they have issues with PayPal themselves.
    3. The war definitely put the world into a financial crisis but as long-time commissioners like IceStorm and others pointed out, there have been issues even before that. Are there any content partners that still actively work with WH (if that is okay for me to ask), like Hentai Heroes or Fap Titans? Their commissions seem to be quite old. If WH runs out of money, then it might not be able to pay artists. Again, something you'd want to directly ask Josuke (or Nastia).

    I'd say it still is trustworthy but you should refrain on taking new commissions from here until this is solved so you don't have to worry about this situation. I even noticed ad spam bots on the site (and reported them) but let's be honest here, they are everywhere those days.

    Thanks to all artists, idea and commission makers and WH staff for making it a good place to find quality artwork for all those years, otherwise we users might not even know about them and those pictures would not exist. I definitely hope you guys find a way to get paid in a timely manner for your work. As was already said, one cannot just expect everyone to work for free without having bills or rent to pay as well, and for WH, infrastructure and employee costs, partnerships, etc.

    PS: Maybe TOFUK and other moderators too? I am not sure if moderators are allowed to intervene on this, nor even know details about it. I don't even know if WH has a forum and do not use Discord so blogs appear to be the main form of communication besides the site's collaborative PM interface for those of us who cannot use social media.

    PPS: Y-yes, I know, manga is literature, I have come to terms with Natsuki about it. I have even started reading and enjoying both shoujo and erotic yuri manga, and this was not just Monika's influence ^^ (to end this comment in a less tense mood)


  • 2022-10-31 04:26:37

    ah yeah i mistook it, it's the inverse 1 dolar is 5 units in my country

  • 2023-01-04 01:48:18

    good idea for reability

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