Never said about tracers anything, I mean those fake accounts who does some Microsoft Paint leven copy paste with google pictures in very low quality, that's pretty... Well, weird. For tracing, not like I never did use it, but I try to reserve it for making a sketch for the mos complex poses -those that seems imposible to do but you gotta believe they are posible because it's a real picture of two persons doing it- and I need to understand it, if there artists who preffer just to trace is up to them, so I dont mess with them at all. They have their methods, I have mine, that's all. I would preffer more non-traced works and more referenced? Yes, not gonna lie, but being bitter won't really help on the situation, neither me or them, so I just preffer that they evolve naturally rather than scolding, once they step up is just matter of sharing advice to improve all of us.