Hello, I'm Kofina and I'm a huge fan of WHentai

Blog Posts by Kofina

Added: 2018-10-26 21:00:37
# Link to the post in Kofina's Blog
The art theft in this place is just terrible.
Is there no system in place to report users on this site for stealing?
Some people seem to have the gall to even take work from artists that are established here and post it up as their own.

Discussion: (60 comments)
  • 2018-10-26 21:13:09

    It's hard to fight back these, but since they can't draw, at least they cant do comissions either, thought. Yes, you can report pictures too, and usually after a few reports the users are usually blocked, but sometimes they are stubborn and come back. There's one who does some cheap photoshop that pop ups from time to time, with the same pictures...

  • 2018-10-26 21:22:49

    You cant fight it, there's a lot of "artists(I can't call lot of them artists without laughing)" who take Reference picture as Win situation to have a picture without really doing anything... but a lot of peoples around really doesn't care as long as they have Worse Version of their chosen picture with the head of their wet dream Character...
    **** Im still salty :D

    To me honestly, it looks like the art is last wanted thing around- all this site need is more and more crappy Boku no Hero Academia/Naruto/One Piece Spam of average stuff

  • 2018-10-26 23:37:47

    sadly you don't need to know how to draw to do commissions on this site, people are already happy with a 1:1 copy of a reference picture. Just replace the character, put a blurry background from google and voila. I can only name a few artists here who are doing a fine job.

  • 2018-10-27 07:18:24

    Could you guys stop whining at people for doing what they're commissioned to do?
    It's getting quite annoying to see you **** on people for doing their job perfectly well.

    There's nothing wrong with partial traces when that's precisely what people hire you for. Not every pic has to be a test of your s**** or proof of your artistic s****s.

  • 2018-10-27 07:24:56

    We do have a report function whenever users upload others art and we have made it very clear that they should only upload If they are indeed the artist -I for one would personally remove them in the past with a firm warning but we have the report system now.

    Now let's not be crazy to say 'tracing' has never happened in the world. It always happens but you can't condemn any artist here if a commission has been made and an image as a reference has been requested as the general idea of said commissions desire. I get what your saying and agree but this place isn't on the levels of tracing as say ... hentaikey. Before it was clear as day then we did expect acknowledgement of the reference as a nod of respect.

    At least for myself, we don't just flat out deny people who want to draw,. Everybody starts somewhere and we give them that opportunity and platform to grow. Guys like inusen have made a name for themselves in the hentai community and have work everywhere now and then you had Gerph who has an insane following on Tumblr nowadays with his skarpne characters but he started here. Their styles have developed. We didn't make these guys but we did welcome them and give a platform and promotion to increase their repute.

    And lastly. The customer is NOT always right but they want what they want. If I want the Queen of Whentai aka Erza drawn 80% of the time (It's actually less but as a point) that's my right as the commissioner it's your job to do it ;)

  • 2018-10-27 10:31:24

    @DeepdarkMemes Im so sorry that few peoples around does care about craft... I swaer Ill be better and start drawing 1 hour art with crappy lines, terrible shading and famous faces... sounds terrible to me- but Okay art doesnt matter on art site
    Lirics doesnt matter in music(talking about mumble rappers)
    whats next: No help in Hospital?

  • 2018-10-27 10:37:38

    But on page where somebody think that picture shall have 2MB and 30MB is HD video... Im starting to understand Why the fuck you dont understand it

  • 2018-10-27 11:04:40

    People are so salty about commission here. You can always look for it in other place.

  • 2018-10-27 11:27:10

    Nope this is fun, hearing all this "you're salty cuz you're not getting attention" and "you have some commisions so shut up" ... and then that "Yeah he just redrawed all the lines from reference picture but its okay"... like talking with ***s that don't understand half of what Im saying, but need to say Im just wrong or Jealous ... Its fun

  • 2018-10-27 11:32:23

    Look, people, it's called "commission" for a reason. You can't do art and expect all people to automatically find it appealing and throw money at you, and you can't do commissions for a living and make each and every piece an artwork coming from your heart.
    Sheesh, and stop ****ting on the preferences the people have on here. If you want to do this work professionally, don't **** where you eat.

  • 2018-10-27 11:49:16

    Sorry for not understanding my main language ain´t English... but looks like Im translating it wrong
    I always thought commision is "Being paid for drawing for someone" but looks like its "Do complete ****, draw over some picture, destroy it and do ****ty colouring..." okay I wouldn't do the same mistake in translation again... but how to call what I'm doing then?

  • 2018-10-27 11:54:35

    @RoyHaynner Not everyone draws to get better at drawing your arrogant twit.
    If people pay you to do what you do and they like what they get, you're already doing good enough and don't have to push your limits just because you care so damn much about the craft. If you want to push yourself anyways then go ahead, that's all fine and dandy, but don't go acting like people have some damn obligation to view every work as a challenge to improve. Some people just want a paycheck, some people are satisfied with good enough.

    People will always flock to pay for whatever they think looks the best at a reasonable price no matter how much or little passion goes into it. Those artists will prosper regardless of whether or not they take shortcuts, that's simply how the site works.

  • 2018-10-27 12:15:03

    @DeepDarkMemes... OMG you just opened my eyes... Its ridiculous to think that artist shall do their best and make their income worthy... and its even funnier that Im really trying to draw on my own... I shall start googling what to steal next...

    Now real answer
    To be honest, you have a pretty good point and I'm acting really cocky there, well honestly I already said its funny how everybody is "fuck the craft" so I decided to just troll the answers

    But I got your point and Im with it, not everybody needs to do "Mona Lisa" art, and bit of tracing is okay too, I did it in my beginnings, but I never even thought about asking for money for art I didn't create... Like I dont see there effort in drawing, and not even attempts to learn from your mistakes
    So sorry for pointing it out, but mostly I dont see artist there, just parasites-Scamers that will just roll with any **** to get something from it, and that gives me all reasons I need to be cocky and salty and just troll anybody whos buying it

  • 2018-10-27 13:35:25

    Dude, you need to either check yourself, or give up on this kind of work or you'll never be happy. We are all stealing characters we didn't create (except if you're lucky enough to do a commission with an original character). It's kind of a grey area, really. And if you want to get paid for your own art, you're apt to hit some hard times. So either you *work* in this field (doing commissions regardless what the motif is) or you do *art* in this field (doing it for yourself, regardless of prestige and money). Man, I hate it too, when stuff gets stolen, copied or traced. But it's a dog eat dog world, and it's unfair and sometimes you give it your all but still fail miserably (I know, trust me on this). But you can choose how much energy you invest into moping and turn bitter, and how much of that energy you put into getting up again and trucking on (again and again and again).

  • 2018-10-27 13:42:47

    Roy are you actually serious about everything you say or you are just trolling so you would instigate people to get them reported or something? How would it make you feel if, by your logic, I would tell you that I wouldn't be that cocky if I had your s****s? It seems to me that in every comment you post, be it blog or picture, you find a way to trash talk other artists, even though you try to "cheat" on your own images with tags that have nothing to do with your image. Why can't we all just draw and get along?

  • 2018-10-27 13:54:15

    LOL NOW IM CHEATING wITH TAGS... Oh boy this is getting better and better... Ryn do you know theres rule about having 10 pictures in your gallery to be artist... who cares right you draw My hero academia so its okay

  • 2018-10-27 13:55:16

    I must say I dont enjy drawing As much as this

  • 2018-10-27 14:17:04

    Quazar... you do have a point there... lets be honnest, I do enjoy trolling you folks and the part of most answer being "youre jelaous, you need to build more and thats how it works" just make me laught at point that theres really no answer that would suit there, nothing to prove me wrong... so all I get back is just hate of fucks I honnestly wouldnt want to work for- like if stolen pict with different face is what you want... then Im not the man for the job

    Right now Im still at school and I have enought money from workshop to survive for some time... so I trully dont need to care about what anybody think, and if my bank accont drains and Ill start starving, I can return to workshop or forge and work again cuz Im no scammer, and Im not that misserable being to just live from this

  • 2018-10-27 14:29:26

    Belive me but reading your salty comments about fake artists and stupid commissioners which don't give you likes are funnier.

  • 2018-10-27 14:34:36

    you see fun... I could look into your gallery and point out that all faces and colours you have there are just looking like"CTRL-C" "CTRL-V" and then give you link to some shading tutorials...
    But am I gonna? btw subscribe to Pewdiepie, he needs it

  • 2018-10-27 16:54:44

    the only thing i can say about these is -- these commisions work. And if they dont, then obviously they wont commision that said artist again -- traced art or not.

    you don't get to join this site and just cuss everyone because you're an aCtUaL_aRtiSt than the rest of us.

    they wanted it to have that pose, they wanted it to look how the characters look in the anime, they wanted it done in yours or mine's style -- as long as they're paying us, then its all fine. No need to be all high and mighty here

  • 2018-10-27 17:12:28

    I guess you guys missed Roy's point, I agree with him on this point, artist doing "tracing" 1:1 on a reference picture are just damn lazy. It is called a reference not a copy. Every artist takes references, even the best ones, no shame on that but it gets a whole different story if you copy it 1:1 and put a blurry background from the internet on it. ps: I like pewds xD

  • 2018-10-27 17:27:45

    referencing is different from tracing. tracing is indeed effortless and in the long run, you will never learn a thing if you keep on doin that. i must've missed something on that end because pointing out someone with how they work is kinda invasive,for me i think this is not the place for it, message them privately and discuss it and not shame whoever it is that uses functions on a computer

    i use stock images and even actual scenes from the anime on my backgrounds because i am sometimes lazy to work on a simple background, does that mean im a fake artist or a scammer? if i am then the next best action would be those who commision the said artist to stop supporting that guy

  • 2018-10-27 17:29:57

    Somebody gets it... Im soo glad XD, and its even another 9 years old... I shall also say the mean comment to @HinataHime was reference to his MADLADS videos...
    I know I didnt need to be such a dick about it for whole time, but this way its way funnier

  • 2018-10-27 18:50:26

    I respect the wehmen, hail to the 9y old army xD

  • 2018-10-27 18:57:13

    LOL, btw how am I gonna send you to attempt on your style... you didnt saw PM i sended...Alexa thats so sad, play... nothing cuz we gonna get copystriked

  • 2018-10-27 19:21:11

    Roy, by all means give constructive criticism but dont antagonise/troll people over it. Take that elsewhere.

  • 2018-10-27 19:28:39

    Huh you send me a PM? Didn't get it, the PM is messed up on this side. Can we copystrike pewdiepie, that is "good money" xD

  • 2018-10-27 19:29:38

    Never said about tracers anything, I mean those fake accounts who does some Microsoft Paint leven copy paste with google pictures in very low quality, that's pretty... Well, weird. For tracing, not like I never did use it, but I try to reserve it for making a sketch for the mos complex poses -those that seems imposible to do but you gotta believe they are posible because it's a real picture of two persons doing it- and I need to understand it, if there artists who preffer just to trace is up to them, so I dont mess with them at all. They have their methods, I have mine, that's all. I would preffer more non-traced works and more referenced? Yes, not gonna lie, but being bitter won't really help on the situation, neither me or them, so I just preffer that they evolve naturally rather than scolding, once they step up is just matter of sharing advice to improve all of us.

  • 2018-10-27 21:14:52

    Lets forget whole thing and copystrike Pewdipie together, I heard its Good money

  • 2018-10-27 21:45:33

    Okay no trolling(I got PM telling me to act nice... )

    If you can get offended by me laughing at "artistic site doesn't care about the art"

    Why the fuck I cant get offended when you say " quite annoying to see you **** on people for doing their job perfectly well"...
    I wouldt be offended if they would REALLY DO their job... that was my whole fucking point
    Alexa play Despacito 5

  • 2018-10-27 21:54:39

    Alexa: Playing Despacito. "Video immediately getting demonetized". Pewds: God damnit!

  • 2018-10-27 21:58:26

    Basque version is better

  • 2018-10-27 22:03:36

    Its insane but Basque version aint making me want to make suicide as much as original one
    But Bitch Lasana

  • 2018-10-28 07:56:15

    sub boooooooooot! btw a sub option on this site would be a nice implantation^^

  • 2018-10-28 16:34:18

    Yeah it would, still no message? I sended another two... nevermind Ill make blog with that picture next week- now Its kinda better for me to be quiet for while- cuz I ****ed few folks... yeah truth is sometimes hard to swallow :D

  • 2018-10-28 17:08:21

    This wont happen again, Cuz Im VEGAN NOW

  • 2018-10-29 02:36:01

    Rarely have I seen such amounts of autism stemming from a few individuals. Then again this is WH where mediocrity tends to congregate (with a few artists being exceptions)

  • 2018-10-29 02:55:29

    oh here we have one of the many artist doing trace work from a reference picture. Mr. Autisme, not to mention the gif with a base character and selling it 4 times as a commission with replacing the head and skin color. Making money was never that easy right *wink wink*. Oh and the picture you uploaded as "exclusive" has already been uploaded as free, before you say "it's not the same picture", yes it is, just different clothing. Not trying to bs here, just stating facts. Cheers.

  • 2018-10-29 03:15:57

    Dude I wanna use Last pewdiepie joke from best Youtube Apologies, this site is shifting fault towards us... Like "Yeah I do trace art and Make a living from drawing even tho I cant fucking draw and its 100% my fault, That you were offended"...

    So CGC have there like 4-5 same pictures just with different costume, but... you need to understand thats art... lets just learn from this to be a Vegan

  • 2018-10-29 03:25:55

    CGC... Youre the one who thinks that 30 MB is HD video... now I understand
    HotVr She wont get it...

    Now... Poor Kofina Getting spamed by her blogpost...
    I feel bad for her cuz she did asked normal question that would ANY REAL ARTIST *wink wink* make... and all that HATE, TROLLING, DESPACITO and PEWDIPIE... **** we ruined this site for her

  • 2018-10-29 03:40:39

    I wasn't even directing my remarks at you VR, but we can go down your road of supposed moral virtue I suppose.

    Yeah, I traced a bit in my earlier works, big whoop. That was for practice and learning and I never really made money from straight tracing (not like that would matter if it were). And what do the .gifs I made have to do with anything in this context? Put aside the time I put in to do raw frame-by-frame animations, I fully disclosed to everyone paying me that they would be a literal cut + paste with the exact same template. And yeah, I'm aware they've been made free, I was the one to upload several of them to other platforms. We've had this conversation before, you didn't make your point very well then and you certainly aren't doing it now since it doesn't seem like you understand the difference between using something as a base and 1:1 copying, which you seem to accuse me of doing on the regular. Hope your moral high horse carries you somewhere fun.

    And yes Roy, <1 min high res video files being 30 MB is not out of the ordinary...

  • 2018-10-29 03:45:02

    Maybe not HD, so I guess I misspoke earlier. I'll retract my statement on that if that makes you happier...

  • 2018-10-29 03:51:09

    5 seconds of 720P HD video is somewhere about 0.05516GB... thats 55.16 MB... get your facts together- you Are Uneducated (a reference to Battlefield V)

  • 2018-10-29 03:52:56

    I literally just said "Maybe not HD." I just admitted I was wrong, no?

  • 2018-10-29 03:56:02

    Look Your gallery does have Vibe of CTRL-C CTRL-V work... you do have exactly the same boob-nipple and even Cellshade around it on almost every picture... But I do understand that copying your own work aint tracing so yeah Youre the one who got point there

  • 2018-10-29 03:57:03

    I aint so fast on repreading I do draw at the time so your answer missed me, both of them... Im sorry

  • 2018-10-29 03:58:16

    Even if it isn't pointed at me, there is no reason to call anybody an autism. Don't expect people to stay quiet if you call them names, I know it wasn't mend for me so I just shut up. Alexa... play despacito.. Pewds: damnit I did it again!

  • 2018-10-29 03:58:17

    Ill forget about whole HD thing and that your canvas is 2MB big

  • 2018-10-29 03:58:46


  • 2018-10-29 03:59:25

    SPAM WONT END... If you Laf you SLAV

  • 2018-10-29 04:01:43

    scratadu valudadu aaaaaahhhhh.....

  • 2018-10-29 04:02:30

    @Roy I'm looking at my hard drive right now and not one of my rendered/exported files exceeds 1MB w/ a 3500x4500 jpg. I know you said you were working on a 9000x9000 (or something similar) canvas, but I'm genuinely curious how you get a .jpg of that size to approach 30MB. Do you have a super high DPI or something?

  • 2018-10-29 04:26:31

    Yeah Im using DPI on 120... Cuz then I can zoom all the way into it and still not be able to count pixels... I know this size is quite pointless but hell it feels good- and its classic man problem "ITs not Big enought"

    Lets just skip trolling, and everything for while- I do think that posting one picture many times is kinda dumb thing to do (Honestly still better than classic "white dude" "black dude" version)
    Your gallery looks nice, its colourful and lines are nice and smooth- you did found your fans and created style that became your Comfort zone- I do respect that...

    This whole thing went outta hand- I did dick answers... There was a point a further up that "The customers pay for what they want" and we shall go with it
    Most of my points I was talking about was towards TORT9 cuz I dont see effort in his "art" and some about Batou and his "ORIGINAL animations" and half done requests- THeres bunch of his work with hatefull comments "wheres second part"... + I could also name Neeba with his free versions of NARUTOPIXXX and BLEACHPIXXX and FANPIXXX and MELKORMACIR and ... lot more artists work
    List goes on... **** I didnt wanted to name anybody... jävlar f!tta I dont care anymore
    Are you subscribed to Pewdipie?

  • 2018-10-29 04:30:18

    Cuz thats what Matters T-series Cant beat him

  • 2018-10-29 04:46:31

    HotVr was on same page... you guys got more and angrier and Fucking Pewdipie Got Copystriked...

    I will be honnest: I dont have nothing againts anybody for real
    *Yogur have realy Interesting Anime/Cartoon style and I love it
    *DeepdarkMemes have strange taste considering his commission but was on point whole time...
    *Tofuk did tried to calm things down in beginning with saying how it trully works
    *Hinata Hime... I do think he/she uses same face for all pictures, its not bad thing to do
    *Quazar Do have some road ahead, but I bet he will be big name around later on
    *Ryn Do have style, pointing out theres double rules like it was your fault was dick move(I was blocke like 4-5 times with 7 pictures in gallery... like that time admins was real dick about 10 pictures rule)
    *BewhyOHbee... I did talked with him, cool guy fully honest about using google for help- nothing to be blamed for...
    *HotVR- Another 9 years old... so hes kinda family to me (fucking Pewdipie) honnestly I like his colouring style a lot
    *You- I think I did said it 2-3 comments back- I do rescpect what you do- even tho I couldnt

  • 2018-10-29 04:55:55

    For whole time I acted like Im on some Pedestal of greatest artists to make trolling easier...
    TO be honnest I may be better only in effort putten Into moving Foward- Like I have that bad mentality that Everything I drew needs to be better and even tho I think folks around kinda lack Morality in the way they DO THEIR JOB... trying to be always better than yourself aint best way to go... Its way I chosen for myself- I do wanna progress more and more... I do like to look on my old drawings with that "Yeah I used to be bad"...

  • 2018-10-29 05:30:49

    Also I did called out Ed Jim under some comment calling Him spammer... well considering Hes got like 0.7 pictures daily submission rate... and with that big mix pictures and then Separate pictures... "I do believe" its not spamming but dedication to his work

  • 2019-09-08 19:44:15

    Hi, I'm new here. Why nobody ask for the art process?
    The artists could post a short video or a gif drawing the commisions.

  • 2019-09-08 19:53:33

    Dont ask, just let it slide like everybody else

Added: 2018-10-23 07:29:51
# Link to the post in Kofina's Blog
Hello there, I'm Kofina (Or Kofi... like the ***** but spelled different LOL *gets shot*)

Jokes aside, I joined just the other day and became a verified artist today.
It's a pleasure to meet you all!
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-10-23 07:38:32

    You have an interesting style, although a bit too much devils, generally welcome

  • 2018-10-23 07:45:31

    There's an explanation for that, the abundance of devils was because a lot of the work I've posted was old commission work from years ago (and a majority of things I draw are varied, but against the rules here) so I had to make do with what I had.

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All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.