Girls Bravo Title: “Married Bravo Part 3”
Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Location: Yukinari’s Bedroom inside of Yukinari’s House.
Plot: After cuddling inside the living room, the newlyweds such as Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka having sex in this somewhat of this missionary position in bed at night. Make sure Yukinari’s eyes are closed as well as he blushes at least a little as well as he moans nicely at the moment Miharu sexing (fucking) him up. Be sure that Miharu hug and squeeze Yukinari during sexual intercourse because of she loves him so much. Both characters must be completely naked without any clothes on. This action takes place way after Girls Bravo final chapter and Girls Bravo Another Act.