Misako agin but this time she is in bed elegantly flaunting her feet at her lover (the viewer). She is wearing jewelry agin as well as on her ankles and toes. She is wearing a tiara and holding a fuzzy wand. She has extreamly revealing and fuzzy lingerie on and is looking at her lover with intense lust and estacy. She is wearing fuzzy wrist and ankle cuffs as well as her Perl necklace.her lingerie dose not cover her breasts or ****y at all and she is wet and horny. Her lover has brought her flowers and chocklets. This comission is more based around her feet but her pussy, breasts or face isn’t ubstructed eathor. She’s kind of trying to look like a princess/ fairy godmother to surprise him. She is also wearing a lot of soft and fussy things as well. The cuffs aren’t SM cuffs eather and are just for looks.