Call me, King Furuichi! From Beelzebub series. Furuichi always be a weakling and hopeless person in other people mind, so he want to prove how scary he can be if he get serious! First, Furuichi want to teach the maids who they need to respect!
The picture will be 2 panels.
1st panel will be Furuichi with Hilda in this position(
External )
2nd panel will be Furuichi with Yolda in this position(
External )
Additional details
1. Hilda expression will similar to this(
External ) according to her personality and disgust of Furuichi while Yolda can be like ref image
2. Creampie both girls
3. Both girls wear their normal maid outfit but without their dress on the body(I mean only wear their glove, boots, etc.). Please reminded that each girl outfit has some slightly different details (for example: Yolda has headband while Hilda don't. Hilda's and Yolda's chocker is not the same etc.)