Title: "Love Beyond Lust".
Series: Full Metal Panic
Characters: Sousuke Sagara and Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa.
Plot: As their renewed relationship grows, Sousuke and Tessa makes love in the oasis position as both of them feeling the pleasure on the bed. Although Tessa feels it the most due to her becoming one with the man she loves.
Location: Sousuke's Bedroom inside of his apartment.
Details: Both characters are completely naked without any clothes on. Be sure that both Sousuke and Tessa are breathing and moaning during the intercourse. Be sure that the eyes of both characters are closed. Make sure that Tessa's mouth is opened. Make sure the bodies of both Sousuke and Tessa have sweats during sex.
Special Details: Be sure that the stomachs of both characters make contact as they're pressed one another during sex due to Tessa's strong passionate love for Sousuke. Be sure that one of Tessa's tits is exposed. Just like the reference picture.
Reference: This is the reference for Sousuke and Tessa are having sex in the oasis position:
If you need reference for Sousuke's Bedroom inside of his apartment, then here it is:
External (This is the outside)