First actress: Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) with Ultear Milkovich outfits (
External ) + Ultear's hair white ribbons like in the link, the torso suit is unzipped and reveal Erza's boobs. Second actress: Ultear Milkovich (Fairy Tail) with Erza outfits (
Image ) with the "shirt" opened at the Boobs level revealing her boobs, don't forget the blue ribbon on the shirt collar ^^ The third actor: Jellal Fernandez (Fairy Tail) The point of view: Would be like first person sitting (On a throne for example) looking at his penis in erection with the two girls kneeling in front of him. Face expression of the girls: Very naughty and sexy! In option: If you can add a line like Ultear saying: " Don't be confused Jellal, we will both suck it " Or something like that ( Not in a bubble comics, just a text) while Erza holding the cock with her hand, it would be awesome xD You can also add a little "window" on a corner of the art where we see the Jellal head blushing and smiling with a head like he passed away due to the exitation like gray in this link: (
External ) xD ...Thank you to took the time to read my request, and thank you if you agree ^^