Title: "Girls Bravo :Bravo Ever After" (video)
Main Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Supporting Characters: Kirie Kojima
Location: Yukinari's House and his bedroom.
Last Scene: “The Endingâ€. After the rest of the girls left the bedroom, Kirie want to take one more look at Yukinari *****ing with his recent and wedded wife such as Miharu before she leaves. She couldn’t help but smile for her *****hood friend as she feels happy for him that the boy she knew for a long time found happiness, like saying good night to the newlyweds. (Kirie look at Yukinari and Miharu with a smile somewhat similar to this 20:45 to 20:50
External . Make sure that Kirie’s face is shown on this part too). With that, Kirie quietly closes the door. The viewers seeing Yukinari and Miharu *****s peacefully with happiness. And then viewing Yukinari’s house at nighttime. The End.
Note: This idea is based on the true story.