Title: "Girls Bravo :Bravo Ever After" (video)
Main Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Supporting Characters: Kirie Kojima, Koyomi Hare Nanaka , Maharu Sena Kanana, and Tomoka Lana Jude a.k.a Tomo
Locations: Yukinari's Bedroom.
Sixteenth Scene: “The Surprise.†After uncovering the bed, Kirie, Koyomi, Tomoka, and Maharu looking shocked. Maharu, however, looked so happy as she smiles that her little sister’s able to do it with her own husband in Yukinari like she is getting giddy about the matters of love such as the two made love with one another after marriage. Like if she’s impressed. Tomoka who also smiles mischievously as a young married couple to accomplish it. Koyomi, however, she blushes a little on her face as she states that Miharu and Yukinari are so bold.