2015-11-25 13:01:11
Glad to see that they're getting their act together ;^) It's perfect, Kanta, and thanks to everybody who voted
2015-11-25 13:02:13
Wow that's hot :O
2015-11-25 14:32:37
2015-11-25 16:22:47
Which one is Ty Lee? Can anyone pick her out from her sisters? lol
2015-11-25 19:11:58
Best. Train EVAAAR. Kanta, you rock \m/
2015-11-26 06:07:36
Thanks! (▰˘◡˘▰)
2015-11-26 17:13:20
So glorious!! *o*
2015-11-26 19:12:17
i miss something? i read toph in the idea but i dont saw her :p
2015-11-26 19:24:49
I thought, this is part of story from comics (*´・o・)
2015-12-03 06:00:44
I see eight heads but only seven bodies?
2015-12-04 12:14:36
Ahaha! You right! (ç¬Âº 艸ºç¬) This is most amazing bug that I draw!
2016-06-19 09:11:04