wonderful piece!
^ awww why? :(
Haha, great KO. BRILLIANT
Tsunade expression is hot, but her boobs seem lacking a tiny bit they should be bigger. I mean there huge in the anime but other than that great art bee.
Giving a like to an art piece which features a subject I despise would go against my moral code.
bad idea's are always winning, Varak, if we voted on both the idea and the art all the time, that would hurt the artists, and they are not at fault for bad ideas. but i do understand where u are coming from. I get tired of all the Redheads :P nuu Tofuk don't throw sharp things at me! eeek~
People are free to comment, Si-chan, this is not the Raikage's dictatorship
Why do people hate him so much? I find Tsunade being fucked by a big guy like him hot.
I dont like ir
no like