2022-03-22 09:37:08
or PM me and I'll send you the file
2022-03-22 13:56:10
Have you tried messaging them about it? My guess for your most recent commissions is "11. No UNUSUAL skin colors at all"
2022-03-22 14:06:04
Have you tried messaging them about it? Here's a screenshot of the rules for public commissions External My guess for your most recent commissions is "11. No UNUSUAL skin colors at all"
2022-03-22 20:43:33
#IceStorm The last time I tried to open a discussion with them about it, they looked through all my posts and unlisted more of them! They are very arbitrary about skin color rules which seems kind of racist to me. Search She-hulk and notice how many of that green girl's pictures are not unlisted.
2022-03-22 20:44:31
#IceStorm The last time I tried to open a discussion with them about it, they looked through all my posts and unliste more of them! They are very arbitrary about skin color rules which seems kind of racist to me. Search She-hulk and notice how many of that green girl's pictures are not ulisted.
2022-03-22 20:51:15
A steady diet of carrots will give your skin an orange tinge, and Jaundice will make your skin yellow. Workers who clean Copper statues get a green tint to their skin All-natural skin colors and shunning anyone because of the color of their skin is bigotry
2022-03-22 21:13:27
shehulk-jennifer-walters-marvel All 8 images with this She-hulk tag are hidden from the public. This is the only site I know of that has a rule about unnatural skin colors. Not sure what lead them to make that rule. I don't have anything against these skin colors, but I don't make the rules here.
2022-03-22 21:18:06
shehulk-jennifer-walters-marvel all 8 images with this tag are hidden. Not sure what lead them to make that rule. This is the only site I know of with that rule. I don't have anything against it, but I don't make the rules here.
2022-03-22 21:19:34
All 8 images with this tag are hidden. Not sure what lead them to make that rule. This is the only site I know of with that rule. I don't have anything against it, but I don't make the rules here.
2022-03-22 21:21:35
shehulk-jennifer-walters-marvel all 8 images with this tag are not public. This is the only site I know of with that rule. Not sure what lead them to make that rule. I don't have anything against it, but I don't make the rules here.
2022-03-22 21:24:02
shehulk-jennifer-walters-marvel all 8 images with this tag are not public. This is the only site I know of with that rule. Not sure what lead them to make it. I don't have anything against this, but I don't make the rules here.
2022-03-22 21:55:07
Why do you care? 99% of the people on this place only want anime related pics, so even if your pics werents locked, the amount of people who would care enough to download is almost unexistent if you want to share them that badly do it on your twitter or paheal, its likely that more people interested on them would watch them
2022-03-23 00:54:21
# Pedroillusions It's nothing more than another try of the Man***** Moldrad with a *****ish tantrum to get his will, because he either doesn't understand the rules or doesn't care, whatever case he has already proven both more then once. # Moldad Simply answer Rule: Break from Rule 12 No UNUSUAL skin colors at all – no more orcs/elves/draenei/masseffect-type characters at all Your commission ******* this rule so that it can be taken out from the public view. The word "unusual" was written in Capital letter and in bold in the original rule text so people would't be able to overread but well you are you. Read up the word unusual in a dictionary Also read up the word racist before using that on. Unusual For example that a human get hit by a lightning is very unusual. A human in my country would win a big jackpot from the national lottery 75 time higher then getting struck by a lightning but its not impossible to get hit by a lightning its just a not commo, its a rare event. Example: The job bricklayer, It would be unusual to see a woman doing it since this job is done by men like 95-99 % of the time. The skin color you see in this world is from white to black, some sort of red and yellow. How many people you meet in life with a orange tinge? Are there more of these in your country than white to black skin color people in your country? I saw one orange tinge and that was in a movie so i think is unusual It simply do not exist human with green or blue skin color by natural way. Quoting you "They are very arbitrary about skin color rules which seems kind of racist to me" Read the second part of the rule No UNUSUAL skin colors at all – no more orcs/elves/draenei/masseffect-type characters at all Its very "arbitrary" of them when they name example in the same part of the rule. No more orcs/elves/draenei/masseffect-type and its very "rascist" of them to you green skined Human being. The word in " " is meant sarcastic/ironic just in case for you. Its there website if they don't want something like that to be here in public view is their choice and since it don't break any law they can do it but since you just look for a reason to cry out again you will never accept that.
2022-03-23 02:07:07
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" I don't ask for orcs/elves/draenei/masseffect-type characters at all just super heroes and aliens "The skin color you see in this world is from white to black, some sort of red and yellow." Are you refereeing to Asians and Native Americans you racist? It is arbitrary you look hard enough there are plenty of unique colored characters that aren't delisted I won't link to them 'cause then someone will delist them
2022-03-23 02:12:28
#IceStorm At she-hulk At least two are not delisted And there are others you'd have to stumble across 'cause I don't want to point them out to the system lords.
2022-03-23 02:21:05
# Pedroillusions I think you're projecting. Many of my commissions have garnered >30 likes if they're viewable to everyone. My main goal is to get pictures I think up for me to look at and use as computer wallpaper and screensavers. If it entertains someone else that's a plus. To some extent IMVHO that's the purpose of COMMISSIONS.
2022-03-23 03:00:04
You always complain for your pictures being blocked from public access, why would you mind that if you only care to get yours commissions being done? how the lock could affect you then? If penaltys are still charged to your balacance you could always just request them as un1ist3d since the beggining, and you know avoid any penalty cause until I know there arent any extra fees for that anymore I check your commissions and there are old most of the ones that get 30 something, it comes from a times when this site was plagged with like spammers trying to get the contest rewards each week, even my gallery is like that, bunch of my works having over 30, 40 and even 50 and then when admins finally put some filter on the contest (Not enough thought) all my works dropped again to the used 10 somethings likes, in 6 years I have being here it doesnt take me too much time to realize this site was mostly anime focused, for any non anime there are likely 50 anime pictures
2022-03-23 03:01:20
You always complain for your pictures being blocked from public access, why would you mind that if you only care to get yours commissions being done? how the lock could affect you then? If penaltys are still charged to your balacance you could always just request them as un1ist3d since the beggining, and you know avoid any penalty cause until I know there arent any extra fees for that anymore I check your commissions and there are old most of the ones that get 30 something, it comes from a times when this site was plagged with like spammers trying to get the contest rewards each week, even my gallery is like that, bunch of my works having over 30, 40 and even 50 and then when admins finally put some filter on the contest (Not enough thought) all my works dropped again to the used 10 somethings likes, in 6 years I have being here it doesnt take me too much time to realize this site was mostly anime focused, for any non anime related picture there are likely 50 anime pictures
2022-03-23 06:48:36
#Moldrad you only want to read what seems to work for you I try to make it more simply for you 12. No UNUSUAL skin colors at all – no more orcs/elves/draenei/masseffect-type characters at all Green is an unusual skin color = So can get removed from public view, so not use it in the first place if you care about something being public The second part no more orcs/elves/draenei/masseffect-type characters at all is a example of beings which such unusual skin color in some version and probably the reason why those unusual skin color got banned on this site. Again read up the words before using them not even so long ago the webiste was racist to you because they don't allow a green skin color so yeah don't even drop more pathetic. The only arbitrary that exist is you still not banned for breaking so many rules because you will not stop doing it and will continue to cry and whine about it afterwards.
2022-03-25 13:03:43
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" I don't whine or cry about anything. I'm a high-functioning sociopath who prefers to get my way and almost feels uncomfortable or thinks I should when I don't. IMVHO throwing hate at any sex, ethnicity, or skin color is bigotry.
2022-03-25 13:16:19
#Pedroillusions Did I say I only care to get pictures for me? I like to show people what I like and find out if they like it too. Both the best and worst thing about the internet is it's ability to connect with like-minded people. I have no idea what those contests you mention were or are. I think the longer an image is posted here that all can see, the more likes it gets because more people stumble across it. I find older pictures when I search by character name, Anime/cartoon series, or sex position. If I see one for the first time that was posted years ago, I like it. Have you seen all 30,000 postings here?
2022-03-25 13:41:57
1- You mention that getting as wallpaper was your main goal 2- Literally my first statement was to share it on twitter or paheal... which is easy to search and pretty much without limitations 3- users Users get points by spamming likes and comments and win extra votes by doing that, as you can see the first places have around 800 or less points, just a few years ago first 5, 6 places always have around 3000 something points every week.... 4- Tags here sucks
2022-03-25 13:50:33
1- You mention that getting as wallpaper was your main goal as an answer of my first statement that literally was to share it on twitter or paheal... which is easy to search and pretty much without limitations 2- users Users get points by spamming likes and comments and win extra votes by doing that, as you can see the first places have around 800 or less points, just a few years ago first 5, 6 places always have around 3000 something points every week.... 3- Tags here sucks
2022-03-26 20:45:40
#Moldrad so you are the biggest source of bigotry that this website has to offer then considering how much you hating on other stuff you don't like for example Futa, Big titts? Which is not bigotry at all of this website and you simple using the word "biotry" as a replacment of "racist" in an attempt to denigrate. Why are you throwing around with so many words that you don't seem to know the meaning of? So You are a high-functioning sociopath? High-functioning sociopaths often lie, are rule breakers/ law breakers, which suit you perfectly and you definitive have a mental disorder but high functioning? After a short time you contradict your own statements/opinion as you proven in that blog again.
2022-03-27 01:34:56
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" Biodo or not biodo There is no biotry bigotry NOUN obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. racist ADJECTIVE characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Skin color = Ethnicity/group Hope that clears things up for you. Do you have a problem with Ochaco Uraraka pictures? She's a mortal school girl; right? At the moment there are two updates with a girl with blue skin that haven't been delisted All I want is a fair shake You don't like your under age (11?) Girl fetish exposed to everyone and I don't like chicks with dick (in hentai; I support trans women) Why am I whining and your not?
2022-03-27 02:00:23
#Pedroillusions 1 Rule 34 and Tweeter is preaching to the choir. I'm looking for like-minded folks who draw. I check out Deviant art and Furaffinity too. 2. Still don't know what you mean. People here compete for EV's or something? I don't 3. Tags sucked worse before now adding new tags is much easier but where clicking on them leads still sucks
2022-03-28 09:41:58
#Moldrad bigotr was the word you used last but i am glad you read up the words and now try to use them correct. It never was about the characters, you can use all humans but they must look adult in the imagine but that point you never understood. 1.No ******** characters!!! All characters described should be AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD on the moment of having the sex intercourse, ideas with. You lewds ******** characters, using them as Ref pictures and they are drawn based on the ref pictures and you thank the artist for it, if called out you defend yourself with its their realtionship and claim they are 18 basen on what you wrote write but they till look the same and you want to tell you want adult version? And now you try to blame your dark desire on other? You gallery is full of it, no matter what you say your action proved you wrong already and also now that you told about yourself to be sociopath which are liars and rule breakers/ law breakers, that just wanna get his way? How someone know you will tell the truth? Why you are whining? Look about who created the blog and for what reason? His commission getting delisted because he don't follow the rules of the site and he try to make him look like the victim of the story while he is culprit all the time, someone named Moldrad you may know him? You was told in the first answer of another person why they might get taken down because you breaking another rules for public commissions but claim to have read them and your first reaction its to call this site racist and arbitrary for it? You wana have fair shake? How about try to follow the rules ones and if not stop to whine and cry about it when they get delisted? If something would be fair and the site himself would care then you would have been bannedalready a long time ago.
2022-03-29 03:53:42
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" I showed you the difference in the other post. Do I need to dig it up again? The tweens you secretly drool over tend to have straight body lines. Once they get curves and lumps they stay curvy and lumpy for many many years Like I also told you actresses in their 30's play teenagers on media and sometime the opposite happens where teenagers play older. That's live action. Cartoons are are a whole different kettle of fish. Ancient Character can look like teens and teenagers can appear older. I depends on the artist. Again voicing my opinion is not whining it's stating what I feel is wrong. I've been doing it all my life. In preschool I didn't want to *** when someone told me it was "*** time" During the Viet Nam war I thought sending smart healthy men someplace to be shot at by people who were trying to free themselves from foreign rule and puppet dictators was wrong. I am the change I want to see in the world.
2022-03-29 03:57:09
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" NOBODY EVER GOT A FAIR SHAKE BY FOLLOWING BAD RULES!! I showed you the difference in the other post. Do I need to dig it up again? The tweens you secretly drool over tend to have straight body lines. Once they get curves and lumps, they stay curvy and lumpy for many, many years. Like I also told you, actresses in their 30s play teenagers on media, and sometimes the opposite happens when teenagers play older. That's live-action. Cartoons are a whole different kettle of fish. Ancient Characters can look like teens, and teenagers can appear older. It depends on the artist. Again voicing my opinion is not whining; it's stating what I feel is wrong. I've been doing it all my life. In preschool, I didn't want to *** when someone told me it was "*** time" During the Viet Nam war, I thought of sending smart, healthy men someplace to be shot at by people who were trying to free themselves from foreign rule and puppet dictators was wrong. I am the change I want to see in the world.
2022-03-30 06:06:34
#Moldrad you are not the Hero of the story and never will be Your subjective perception of the rules because you want non-consensual ******s /anthropomorphs, ******* and ******** to be public but thats all not allowed but as you was told more then once by now, delisted has no longer a fee and you can fulfill your need to public share on other websites. In what wolrd has normal acting job something to do with porn? Any legal pornsite has an confirm that you are 18 button to enter the site and also claim in their videos and on the site that the porn actor was at the point of filming 18 or above, i don't know what sites you watch and i definitely don't wanna know it. You wanna compare it to explain your desire for ******** girls which you constantly choosing? They are drawn the exact same way as in the ref picture. You can continue to lying however you want your steadily choose and gallery will continue to prove you wrong.
2022-03-30 06:21:58
voicing your opinion? Again what you do is all the time complain about something, nagging crying whining and like the man***** you are throwing yourself on the ground in a *****isch tantrum screaming thrashing around with hands and legs in the attempt to get what you want.
2022-03-31 02:09:49
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" I could not write these replies if I was " throwing yourself on the ground in a *****isch tantrum screaming thrashing around with hands and legs " could I? Is it fair that in the last few days 2 blue girls, one vore and just today lamias are posted in updates and still listed yet my posts are delisted almost immediately? | In what wolrd has normal acting job something to do with porn?| The one the rest of us live in. what color is the sky in your world or do you live under a bridge with other trolls and never come out in daylight?
2022-04-03 05:40:25
#Moldrad any *****isch tantrum end at some point but you like to start over and over again. You will continue to complain to blame to whine and cry but you will also continue to pay the site so..... You wanna a fair treatment but leaving facts out again? How about a person that breaking the law for the first time and never did anything else wrong on record, this person will surely be allowed to get out of on bail. There is a second person who committed rule break after rule break and screaming to the law i will continute to do it, he will not follow that bad rules because he don't feel like that! Do you really think that person would get out of an bail? He surely would't not get the bail option in the first place. You think they deserve the same treatment? They get a fair treatment based on their record and a fair process afterwards but thats all they have in common. You are the second person. So you call all actors amateur pornstar and pornstar and that should be the real world we are living in? So Daniel Craig, Dwayne Johnson, Will Smith, Denzel Washington,Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves etc. are pornstar in your world, maybe you should call them and tell them im sure in your world you can do it. You was told to get out for some fresh air but you wouldnt leave the house because you don't like crowded places and have demading cats so you are sure that you see a blue sky and daylight?
2022-04-05 03:22:42
#DanteHentaiLover AKA "General Pedofinder" I wish I had some idea wft you're talking about? I'll try to respond to what I think you mean? Daniel Craig, Dwayne Johnson, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, etc., are sexually active; most of them have *****ren, which means they had sex with another person at some point; unlike you, I imagine. Do you think they deserve the same treatment? Every Man, Woman & *****, and small furry creature EVER is a Discordian Pope and should be treated with grandmotherly kindness. The court and prison systems in the USA have become more corrupt since the advent of private prisons. Judges are bribed to send more defendants to jails that the government pays for each inmate incarcerated. Hardly a fair deal.
2022-04-11 12:46:01
Here we go again 8516 It was delisted, yet blue girls - under age Ochaco Uraraka- vore - gore is still listed BTW You can see not listed ones at big
2022-04-11 12:46:50
Here we go again 8516 It was delisted, yet blue girls - under age Ochaco Uraraka- vore - gore is still listed BTW You can see delisted ones at big
2022-04-11 12:47:18
Here we go again 8516 It was delisted, yet blue girls - under age Ochaco Uraraka- vore - gore is still listed
2022-04-11 12:48:13
BTW You can see delisted ones at big