Title: at the pool.
Anime: Naruto.
Character: Hinata, Sakura, Himawari, Sarada.
Location: public pool.
Action: Himawari and Sarada have decided to go to the pool to dredge boys. But their mothers have decided to come with them. Sarada and Himawari change the swimwear of their mother, by micro-bikinis. But Hinata and Sakura does not change mind and wear them with great pleasure. Himawari and Sarada are ashamed of their mother in this outfit, but in addition, Sakura and Hinata ****** their daughter to ***** them to go to the pool naked complement and must hold the hand of their mothers like little *****ren.
Facial expression: Hinata and Sakura quietly discussing among themselves. Himawari and Sarada are red with shame and lowers his head.
Clothing: Sarada and Himawari are naked. Hinata:
External . Sakura:
Position in the drawing from left to right: Sarada, Sakura, Hinata, Himawari.
physical detail: Breasts size: Sarada and Himarawi: big breasts. Hinata and Sakura even bigger. Pussy : Sakura and Hinata shaved. Himawari and Sarada: hairy