Blog Posts by WHentaiTan

Added: 2023-01-13 01:25:50
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog


Hi Everyone! Merry Christmas and HY 2023!
This was a great year and thank all of you being with us!
Some stats for 2022: we get 10 000+ new arts, 300+ exclusive videos and over 5000 new active members!
We start new game project, you can check it here: External
But we got finally blocked our PayPal account - that`s why we have so much delays with payments via this payment system. Everyone who wants to get payments faster please use crypto (USDT) - just create account on exodus or netmask and provide us with your wallet. Thank you!
Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2023-01-13 19:27:02

    Thank you so much! Excuse me, but I'm a little confused, does that mean you guys don't use PayPal anymore?

  • 2023-01-14 05:43:29

    We still use PayPal as method for make payments for our artist. But all payments to PayPal go via exchange company ( they can make transfer with delay (up to 48 hours) - that’s why we get so many messages “where is my money????” From you.

  • 2023-01-16 22:34:30

    I have a question... Ammm Will the payments gonna be for everyone again? Or will keep the +$100 mount to payout?


  • 2023-01-17 14:55:55

    How do i fo the whole proesss

  • 2023-01-19 07:01:58

    for usdt there is no 100$ limit

  • 2023-04-07 05:07:42

    I added my crypto wallet and you lost all money in there!!!! And you don't provide a hash code for seen what is wrong!!!!! Better you don't use crypto if you are gonna lost artists money!!!

Added: 2018-06-05 14:28:28
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Hi, guys.
We've got in touch with "The Porn Dude" recently. And he told us that it would be nice to having WHentai listed on his marvellous page! That's soo wonderful! We really appreciate the deed and we want to thank him back for placing us it the list!
For those who don't know anything about the guy - just visit .
He continuously browses the world wide web to find new and interesting explicit sites for us to enjoy. When one catches his eye, he lists it and reviews it on his page. There are lots of great and well-known Hentai sites in the list already, but at the same time - I was thrilled to witness new players who distribute hentai to the masses. Those websites I've never heard about, but they got some really nasty stuff featured in there (especially the videos).
You know what to do next, right?
Navigate to , find some REALLY good website with free hentai videos, and... FAPFAPFAP! ::^_^::
Discussion: (7 comments)
  • 2018-06-05 16:11:30

    Is good Website

  • 2018-06-05 17:18:18

    "Turn on notifications and get updated right away when there's something new got posted"

    Can you say me whats the exactly way I will be notified? To know if I want updates or not, With inbox messages?

  • 2018-06-06 03:03:41

    @Pedroillusions , that was just a test. Generally, I want to send those inbox messages and feed notifications in the future. Will play around with it and check if it would be possible.

  • 2018-06-06 08:40:16

    No flapping required. I have a wife for that lol. I'm just here to fulfill my drawing passion :). Congrats though. I've been with this site for a few years now and it's been good seeing it progress over that time :)

  • 2018-06-06 14:52:05

    It pops up every time I check a new tab and I already choose No Updates

  • 2018-06-07 02:55:54

    It should be fixed now.

  • 2018-09-16 11:30:19

    Добрый День , помогите пожалуйста с получением статуса , я вроде все сделал как надо но мои сообщения не как не доходят до вас в ПОДДЕРЖКЕ . Подскажите что делать пожалуйста .

Added: 2018-04-10 18:16:41
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Another update: Notifications Feed.

Some of you might have noticed the red button floating over the link to your profile in the menu to the right. It indicates the number of actions from other members on the topics you've recently paid attention to: liked some upload, added a comment to a Request, put some EVs into a commission's add-on, etc.
If other members do some action on the topic, you'll receive a notification about that. Hopefully, it will help us to follow up the topics we were into easily, and keep the conversation within the comments (without browsing through the website to access some topic).
You can unsubscribe from any notifications on the topic, or only from certain types of notifications (only from likes, or only from comments, etc.) - it's up to you.

Let's get more socialized, guys!
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2018-04-10 18:22:00


  • 2018-04-10 18:26:04

    Interesting update, sometimes checking old pics, I find people who make a comment from a year ago and I never noticed, I guess this can help, I would like to suggest the same kind on feed about who unlock stuff, sometimes I got some Evs but there is no way to know which of my locks was the one that get it

  • 2018-04-10 22:51:30

    How do i get rid of it?

  • 2018-04-15 13:46:27

    This only prevents me from leaving a like/fav in any incoming upload, nice stuff :)

Added: 2018-04-09 06:55:26
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Minor update.

Seems like nobody noticed the update!
Guys, you may now attach images directly to the commission's idea. Just check out the button right below the Idea's field. The same pictures you upload via PM (Sandbox) might be accessed from there as well and be attached directly to the commission.
No more popups with external links! ^_^
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-04-09 06:58:42

    And, BTW, you might now attach youtube videos to your comments. Just paste a link from youtube into the Reply box (either the shortened version from "share", or just from the browser). As I do now:

  • 2018-04-09 15:56:32

    This should be helpful thanks to ;D

Added: 2018-02-12 18:22:39
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Are you getting the Happy Valentine's mood already?
We do, and we want to share this mood with all of our dearest members!

Another special discount was activated for each member. Enjoy the "First Purchase" promotion discount for your next EVs purchase!
Let's celebrate the holidays with some sweet (or not) ideas!

Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2018-02-12 21:58:00

    Only 2/6 of those couples I like

  • 2018-02-13 04:27:34

    @TheDEW1 suggest your own couples! Create a commission using the discounted price on EVs!

  • 2018-02-13 09:31:59

    I'm on minimum wage I don't have spare cash for that

Added: 2018-01-22 03:11:28
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
So far, the Chats System's running fine. Tell me if any troubles encountered.

And here's the news.
I got so many messages in my Inbox, and I'm not always there to help you. Sometimes busy with the backend coding, sometimes processing the payouts, etc.
So, i would like to introduce you another member of our team who will be helping to solve WHentai troubles: nastiawebgirl

As some of you might notice, when starting a chat with me - Nastia got automatically attached to the chat. That means that any message sent to me (Directly, or through the "Support" link) might be read and answered by Nastia as well.
So you might get a faster reply on the important topic!

So, let's give it a ride and check how it will go.
Discussion: (6 comments)
Added: 2018-01-21 17:24:40
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Hi, Guys.

There will be some updates to the Chat System in the nearest future. In order to apply the new system, the old database should be altered. Unfortunately, it might take some time, and SURELY will end up with some troubles. ^_^
Some messages might disappear (due to database migration), or getting falsely marked as read/unread. I'm sorry for that, will try our best to lower the impact (but there are like 200k database records to be altered).

Will keep you, guys, updated!
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-01-21 17:33:42

    I'm gonna get my popcorn. :D

  • 2018-01-21 19:17:51

    It passes smoothly so far, send me a message if experiencing any trouble.

Added: 2017-12-25 01:47:16
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Merry Holidays to everyone!
Wishing you good luck, and more naughty and filthy ideas! :^_^:

There's only one thing we had imagined to give our dearest members as a present - a special discount on EVs!!!
Enjoy the "First Purchase" discount for your next EVs purchase! The discount was activated for all our members, use the option wisely!

Discussion: (9 comments)
  • 2017-12-25 04:49:19

    How does it show? Just when I hit the votes purchase?

  • 2017-12-25 07:37:50

    Yep, that's right! You'll see the lower prices for the EVs pack.

  • 2017-12-25 08:15:36

    Please explain how it works if you may, I'm a bit confused

  • 2017-12-25 08:26:12

    Next to 'Menu' you'll see a blue number, this is youe Extfa Votes number that you use to get commissions from artists. Click on that and a pop up of the one time reduced price appears.

  • 2017-12-25 10:38:04

    Sorry, guys. Check it once again, it should work fine now!

  • 2017-12-25 19:04:29

    Extra vote discount is displayed fine now but i have an issue with Updates tab, it is not displaying the new pics

  • 2017-12-25 19:43:37

    thanks its working for me now

  • 2017-12-26 05:42:52

    How long does it last?

  • 2017-12-26 05:54:20

    It will last until your next purchase is made. No expiration.

Added: 2017-09-27 17:10:24
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Another minor update. This time it's about the Mailbox system.
Nothing big, but messaging became way smoother. Also fixed some troubles (when some messages couldn't be marked read).
Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2017-08-23 11:56:17
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Another update has arrived.

It concerns those members who create Private Commissions, you can now earn EVs from those commissions (the option is available for VIP account holders only).
As well as a few more "under the hood" upgrades to speed up the load of website.
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2017-08-23 13:10:34


  • 2017-08-23 23:13:00

    Thats nice

  • 2017-08-24 12:29:33

    rejected. EV locks are anoying as it is. no. just no.

  • 2017-08-24 14:41:24

    @Kenshin, I think before this update we didn't even see the pictures on the site

  • 2017-08-26 20:20:13

    Why do the artists not get the votes? Whats the meaning and sense of it. Not understandable for me........

Added: 2017-08-08 16:52:30
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Hi, guys!

Direct messages through our Inbox just became a bit better! Now artists might share sketches with the authors to ease the process of creating the final result.
Send files (images/gifs/videos/swfs) freely to each other right from the messaging interface. Just click on the paperclip button to the right from "Reply" button to attach one or few files at once.
Those uploads won't appear in your public gallery, but instead will remain in your "Sandbox" folder. Files will be stored in "Sandbox" for 30 days, you can use them for sending in direct messages to other members.
Hopefully, the interface would be fairly intuitive. If having troubles/questions - just send me a message!

Do you find the feature useful?

Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2017-08-08 17:11:26


  • Seconded! @SenyorPretty and this makes my ideas easier to convey!

  • 2017-08-08 18:44:39

    toda mejora es apollada

  • 2017-08-09 00:00:30

    This is nice Tan! Now we don't have to necessarily go outside of WH messaging to send WIPs to requesters.

  • 2017-08-09 06:38:02

    good one :)

  • 2017-08-09 11:00:57

    Good job WH Team! This is really useful

Added: 2017-07-22 15:56:37
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Hi, guys.
I want to discuss a serious matter with you. Now we have polls here in blogs, and your feedback could be received easily. If you will have any thoughts on the matter - add comments, please? I need to hear your thoughts on the issue.
So, what bothers me. Now we have Requests and Commissions, and in both cases the dates for creation were extended with two options: 15 and 30 days.
IMO, 15 days and 30 days is way too long for creating an artwork (especially non-animated). So, i'd rather get rid of those options of 15 and 30 days in either one of the sections (Requests or Commissions).

Which section should get rid of 15/30 days for creation option?

Discussion: (16 comments)
  • 2017-07-22 16:20:00

    i was going to suggest to add a 10 days option because i agree on the 15-30 days thing being too long. but then again, i prefer to keep both of them since i myself take too long to work on a few commissions. as long as members are willing to wait. also it helps us not die of stress (copyrighted by Griknalok xD)

  • 2017-07-22 16:37:13

    If it is an animation I can understand 15-30 days. But for normal pics under 15 days would be nice unless it is some big collaboration I guess. Tbh the artists are the ones that should give their opinion

  • Pretty much what swagger said. I don't understand why a simple idea would take a month to draw out, Even if it was just a pinup of sorts, there's my two cents.

  • 2017-07-22 16:46:30

    Keep 15 days. Maybe add 10 days.

  • 2017-07-22 17:04:06

    If the artist has put the number of days in his/her bid, and the member sees that, and STILL accepts it, it means they're willing to wait that long. As such, I don't think it should be removed. The member has the option of not choosing that bid if it's too long.

  • 2017-07-22 18:10:46

    10 days for pictures and keep 15-30 days for animations only

  • 2017-07-22 18:24:45

    15 and especially 30 seem a b...very excessive, but at the same time, I'm not sure if it's that big of a deal.

  • 2017-07-22 19:05:50

    i think a longer period is ok for animation, we can have better results that way,but only forr animations

  • 2017-07-22 19:07:42

    make an option in both request and commissions for animation that unlock the 15 ~30 days, because if someone ask me an animation with more than 4 scenes it can take more than 30 days, because animations is way too stressful sometimes, and me specialy hate to rush any animation, rushing mean bad or terrible quality, and i don't want to someone receive a bad quality animation.

    but in other way i can easily cut this 4 scenes into 4 parts of 1 scene or in 2 parts of 2 scenes, because waiting more or less 30 days for something is a very long time, i think the best option is to put only to 15 days for animations.

  • 2017-07-22 19:13:51

    15days for animations and 10 days for pictures . Max

  • 2017-07-22 19:20:16

    random question but i had a commission, that granted was from 6 months ago that was deleted i'm just curious as to what happened

  • 2017-07-23 00:49:39

    One thing to consider : Edjim just bid 30 days on my commission. I know he will not take 30 days, it is just that he has other commissions to finish before so we are NOT talking about number of days to make the art but about number of days before delivery.

    If it was about number of days to spend on the commission, all the countdowns are wrong. When an artist accept 2 commissions at the same time, bid at 3 days each, both countdowns will start at 3 days whereas one should start at 3 days and the second should start at 6 days (3 days to make the first + 3 days to make the second, so the 2nd will be delivered on Day 6). This would ***** the artists to do one job at a time, in the order of acceptance which I guess is a constraint.

    If we are talking about number of days before delivery, I think artists should be able to bid any number of days, as it will represent the time when the art will be posted : at the end of the countdown, I will have my art and as a commissioner that's what I'm interested in.

  • 2017-07-23 13:18:58

    Artists should take as long as they need. Being an artist isn't an easy thing. I'd rather have them take 15-30 days to create something amazing rather than something half-assed. This is honestly a stupid poll. Just kee the 15-30 days option and add a 10 days option. Or let the artist decide on how long they think they'll take.

  • 2017-07-23 23:54:29

    The 15-30 days option is good IF the artist took the maximum limit of commissions, requests and have a higher complexity to do. There really are times when 7 days isn't enough because artists do take other commission jobs outside WH too. If the concern is WH wouldn't get their cut on the commissions fast enough, I think the number of artists taking commissions here is large enough, don't you think? You should consider higher tier commissions to have longer wait times and lower tier commissions can be done in shorter wait times. I think that would be fair enough for everybody.

  • 2017-07-24 06:11:40

    Ok, guys. I'll quote some ideas of yours with my comments:

    > @Kasuk: If the artist has put the number of days in his/her bid, and the member sees that, and STILL accepts it, it means they're willing to wait that long.

    Yep, but while in Requests members don't have that type of acknowledge - it's like a pig in a poke. You put your Votes, sometimes a huge amount, for a rather simple idea (as you fancy). To... get 30 days of waiting! If that was a commission, you might just cancel it and use votes for something else. But here you become a hostage. Moreover - other ideas under the same Request should wait the same 30 days before artist will even read it. So that's already a bunch of hostages!

    As a possible solution i might suggest: for Requests / Commissions lower than 200 EVs to disable the 15 and 30 days options. What do you think of the idea?

    > @SenyorPretty: i was going to suggest to add a 10 days

    > @HinaStudio Maybe add 10 days.

    Good point, will add that option in the list.

    > @AlukardTD: but in other way i can easily cut this 4 scenes into 4 parts

    That's a good solution, it will keep your gallery updated, while you are working on a big plot. And once all the scenes are ready - you can merge them into one video ( psst... you can even paywall-protect it as well *$_$* hopefully our members will support your effort in creating the complex animation ).

    > @MentalL: random question but i had a commission, that granted was from 6 months ago that was deleted i'm just curious as to what happened

    I know that you agreed with the artist to wait, but... 6 MONTHS! We can't keep those commissions hanging here for longer than a month. It stops newcomers from posting their commissions, because they can't expect the result made in time.

    > @JamesVane

    I agree with your point: if artist takes 3 commissions at the time, he can't create all of them within either 3 or 10 days. That's why now artists have limits of active commissions they can take part in. Generally all artists can have 3 simultaneous commissions, BUT some artists have the limits altered. For example, for thise who break the deadlines - the limit got lowered. At the same time, extremely popular artists got those limits extended (like Ed's got 5 commissions).

    In this case, the artist can't take new commission unless he uploaded the result of an old one. So we got rid of the situation when artist takes a few commissions at one time. But, anyways, even if he takes several - he can put 7 days to the first, 15 days to the second.

    Direct commissions got excepted from the scheme, since they're treated as "I agree to wait for the result as long as it takes, i want YOU to create it."

    > @JamesVane: Edjim just bid 30 days on my commission. I know he will not take 30 days

    An average time for Ed's commissions is about 15-17 days (even through he used to set 7 days). Even through he got limited to 5 commissions, so I doubt if he made a mistake. Hopefully, you will get the result in 30 days.

    > @JamesVane: I think artists should be able to bid any number of days, as it will represent the time when the art will be posted

    And again: you can tell the time and accept it in Commissions, but not in Requests. That's what the whole idea is about.

    > @JamesVane: whereas one should start at 3 days and the second should start at 6 days

    I'll check the code. Seems like the time when the Artist was accepted doesn't take into account.

  • 2017-07-25 08:27:32

    Hello, I like 30 days option cause i have other works, too and do not know the time in 30 days when i can start on the actuall commission.I can never be sure if member accepts my bet so i can not tell i have the time and feeling to draw the image in such a sort time. You should think of WE are artists and sometimes it is hard to draw- we try to give our max talent to every single image, next to it I have an illnes and if it comes- i can not draw the image in 3-7 days, but i try recover fast and as soon as i can grab my pen i finish the image. We all made accept commissions and did not do it in 1-2 months for some reason of life, but if i ask for 30days member wont believe i forgot the idea!I wish to keep the 30 days option and wish to finis images much faster of course!!! We can always dscuss with commissioner thanks to the nice ssytem of the site:)

Added: 2017-07-22 08:06:55
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Minor update related to Commissions.

- Artists who were selected as Preferred Artist might refuse from the idea.
For those who add Direct commissions it will become easier to understand whether the Artist is interested in your Commission.
- Commission authors might cancel it if no artist has been accepted yet.
If the artist you've chosen wasn't interested, you might cancel the Commission and get EVs back.
Discussion: (1 comments)
  • 2017-07-22 08:09:12

    PS: there was a weird bug that prevented non-VIPs to post more than one Commission at a time. Fixed that as well. Now you can submit as many commissions as possible!

Added: 2017-07-21 10:59:49
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Another update:
"Pagination in Favorites"
Seen only the latest 40 uploads in your favorites? Now you will see all of them! use the pagination and filters / sorting.

As well as minor fixes arrive:
- commissions' authors are visible again on the upload's page, and authors could rate the result again
- addition of tags for ideas now works when on artist's subdomain
Discussion: (1 comments)
  • 2017-07-21 12:15:56

    PS: you can now remove upload from your Favorites, just use the same button once again.

Added: 2017-07-20 07:08:30
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
The new Requests trouble.

Sorry, guys. Today the scheduled task triggered false positive for some of the requests. It caused cancellation of some Requests which were already in process of creation. You should have received the notifications of the action.
My apologies for the situation. The Requests were restored, and the EVs amounts were restored as well to the correct ones (all false returns were deducted from the balance once again).
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2017-07-20 08:19:11

    I see. So what happens if the winner's request isn't finished within a year or so?

  • 2017-07-21 06:00:47

    As you might already noticed: they got cancelled and EVs return back to you. Since a few Requests with your ideas were cancelled (this time correctly), you should get a big amount of votes back to the balance already!

Added: 2017-07-18 07:55:49
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
And another update has arrived. It's not a big one, but a good one.
Now you can attach a Poll when submitting a blog post! @JamesVane - hope it will help in making those contributions.
Also, there are now permalinks to a single blog post, it will be easier to share a valuable post with others (jamesvane?id=1419 here is the discussion of the last contribution).

Do you like the idea of polls in blog posts?

Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2017-07-18 08:06:54

    That's very cool, thanks Tan ! Will try it for next collab with Kanta in couple of weeks

  • 2017-07-18 12:38:15

    It didn't work.

  • 2017-07-19 03:38:10

    Like hinastudio's said. I don't think the /pol/ system works yet

  • 2017-07-19 06:53:03

    Sorry guys, polls were a bit buggy. Sorry for the inconvenience. If your vote didn't count - try it once again, please.

  • 2017-07-19 06:53:37

    Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Added: 2017-07-16 15:37:13
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Ok, guys. So, here comes the Requests update.

Since it was a big mess with all those counters, abandoned Requests, and complexity of the whole scheme we decided to make it simpler.
There is a descriptive step-by-step description on requests page (just click on the question button on the right). If you still having any questions: ask in comments or PM me directly.

So what has changed, and how it will work from now on?
An Artist will now have only ONE opened Request of ONE price. That means that Artist can't open two 100 EVs requests, instead all the ideas for 100 EVs should be collected in one 100 EVs Request.

Requests will run forever until cancelled by the Artist. Once the Idea in Request reach the required sum, Artist should set of how long it will take him to create and upload the result. The time should be set during 72 hours after the price is collected. If not - the Request will be cancelled and all EVs from all Ideas will be refunded back to accounts.

If two or more Ideas will reach the required sum, the one that has more EVs should be served first. Once the result is uploaded, the "second place" idea will be taken into action.

And one more feature. Artist should approve or decline the Idea in Request before it might accept EVs. The Idea might also be completely rejected and the author blocked from adding other Ideas in the Request. Artists, use the option wisely!

Also all the Requests-related actions concerning your account will trigger a notification in PM (and/or on E-mail). So you don't miss any important action.

As for the prices: the more Artist creates here at WHentai, the bigger sum will be unlocked for opening Requests.

Discussion: (11 comments)
  • 2017-07-16 16:32:16


    Doesnt allow me to set a price, it appear that message

  • 2017-07-16 16:32:29

    set time*

  • 2017-07-16 16:52:49

    Try once again, please?

  • 2017-07-16 17:26:23

    really love the part where i can set up the deadline dates! thanks for clearing things up on my end, w-tan :D

  • 2017-07-16 17:51:25

    There were some bugs detected, thank you, guys, for helping fixing them! Hope everyone will enjoy the new Requests, and it will become easier for the new members to take part in them!

  • 2017-07-16 18:29:41

    There's something else I like to ask of yuo. How can I delete the PM message? I can't find a way.

  • 2017-07-16 18:44:49

    This was a lot easier to navigate and understand, thanks for setting it all up!

  • 2017-07-17 00:04:23

    Looks really promising so far.

  • 2017-07-19 09:52:39

    I miss the old in progress thing. Now all the new ones are mixed together with the ones that already reached their goals. :o

  • 2017-07-20 07:13:49

    @Griknalok that's a good point. Will pull a kinda "filter" to divide the groups.

  • 2017-07-22 06:30:03

    @Griknalok check out the "Winners" button on Requests page.

Added: 2017-07-14 10:04:02
# Link to the post in WHentaiTan's Blog
Hi, guys!
The next update will be all about the Requests section. Creation of new Requests by artists will be now disa**** in order not to mess the things up. It will take a while, but the update will make Requests even better!
Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2017-07-14 14:02:29

    1 suggestion, option to set whatever amount of Evs or at least a 150 and 200 Ev option

  • 2017-07-14 17:18:08

    Maybe something like user send proposal to artist. Artist accept/rejects proposal and set minimum EV for this work. Request is removed if it doesn't reach minimum EV within 30 days. Option visible only for EV donor would be nice.

  • 2017-07-14 17:19:10

    ?? will be done!

  • 2017-07-14 17:27:03

    That was for @Pedro... Good idea of 150 and 200 EVs.

    As for @HinaStudio: hinastudio there's a link named "Create a commission with me" which sends to hinastudio . That page not only filters your current commissions, but also pre-defines you as a preferred artist. Unfortunately, the form isn't displayed to artists at the moment. But any user can choose a specific artist for the Commission. That means that you will be informed of the idea first among other artists.

    So, generally, that's the scheme you just described: user sends a proposal to artist, and artist accepts it.

    It lacks two things at the moment: rejecting and auto-expiry. Will fix that soon as well.

  • 2017-07-14 20:55:21

    So just to clarify, Your taking away the ability for artists to create a new request poll?

  • 2017-07-15 04:50:19

    @Bronx1287 nope, it will be just altered to make the process easier to understand and interact with (get rid of those weird counters running every now and again). In Requests artists will continue to be "in the head of the table".

Correlon LLP, Office 7, 35-37 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JN, UK.
Contact us: [email protected].
Copyright © 2008-2025 WHentai.Com. All rights reserved.

All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.