The Final Strike - how their fight really ends
Erza Scarlet and Kyouka from Tartarus
Erza wearing a ripped / torn version of her heavens weel armor (
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-> her skirt is completly gone
Kyouka in her etherious from (
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At least one boob of each girl exposed.
Their using a huge double dildo -> their pussys are well stretched; both have a stomach bulge -> Kyouka laying on ground and erza is on top / domiant -> something like this position (
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Kyouka is just before passing out while climaxing / Erza making a serious and aroused face which says " I'm winning "
Both are busty; curvy; blushing.
If possible the throne of Mard Geer in backround (
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Smaller second panel -> Erza, sitting on Mard Geers throne, squirting all over Kyoukas face -> Kyouka ahegao.