Blog Posts by RemovedJapaneseTiger

Added: 2018-03-16 20:35:40
Read more in RemovedJapaneseTiger's Blog
So, I'm going to be a bit more busy during this month and the fist weeks of the next one. Rea***? Yeah, big one. Next month I'm having interview with comic publishers to sell my own per***al manga project (this was unplanned, as my teachers told me this week that my project it's good enough to sell it and it would be lame not to try) but since I'm a box of nervous pudding, I have to prepare myself and not only the dossier, so I will be this month finishing the art and presentation, and mostly encouraging myself lol. It's my first interview this way so I hope not to fuck it up. I've always been the easy going kind of girl in this situations, but for some rea*** this is getting me! The only thing positive is that we do interview simulations at the comic school and I got better last times...But my stomach still hurts of stress. Ugh.

I will be on catch to have comissions, but probabily with a bit more days than the usual to make sure I do a nice work. I'm open to comissions as well to talk if someone PMs me.
Oh and if someone it's asking to itself, yes, the project is kind of ecchi too. Guess I can help it, I love pervy comedy.
Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2018-03-16 20:39:44

    Ah, last sentence. Guess I CAN'T help it. I freaking hate my myopia.

  • 2018-03-16 20:58:48

    aight, wish you good luck, having such an interview is an amazing oportunity^^

  • 2018-03-16 21:15:34

    Hey Little buddy That's awesome! PM me a link or something so I can check out your work. I hope you get it!

  • 2018-03-16 21:16:38

    (sorry couldn't help it. ..Watching Gilligans Island)

  • 2018-03-17 17:54:50

    Good luck

  • 2018-03-18 18:16:14

    Thanks for the encouragement pals! ^^)/

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