Hello, I'm ahegaoblin and I'm a huge fan of WHentai

Blog Posts by ahegaoblin

Added: 2018-04-15 15:03:34
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey all. I've been away for a while because I totalled my car and got a little messed up. I'm beyond broke and that's not good so...message me if you want an animation. starting at around 500 EV.
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2018-04-15 15:17:51

    Pal they are asking some animations, please take them with the price you need! Also I can try to see if I can find you extra jobs in other pages if you need.

  • 2018-04-15 16:07:34

    I spent a bit too much in this month, I spent a bit too much in this month, still write what exactly you can draw about 500 EV.

  • 2018-04-15 16:13:07

    how many characters, how many animations you can do, how much time it can take and the like

  • 2018-04-19 18:24:53

    Animation pricing is now based on time it takes and not on complexity, although more complexity means more time. One lucky chap is getting a much cheaper than I can afford piece, but that is okay, as I did not learn how to price at the time I agreed to do the work. I can animate pretty much whatever you like, but I do it old school so it takes time.

Added: 2018-04-05 18:22:57
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Animation commissions starting at 315 EV and up. Limited availability.

Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Discussion: (1 comments)
Added: 2018-03-27 17:36:22
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey Y'all, I'm just throwing out there that I need to score a commission, probably animated, or I am going to have to stop drawing hentai and focus on where the money is...(I know I'm a "sell-out" lol...Truth of the matter is that drawing all this is very time consuming But If I could could get a commission (animated or still) it makes up for some of the time I spend not working, drawing butts and such. I'm willing to work with you on the price... if this fails I'll be leaving until I have earned enough to buy a new family car :(
Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2018-03-27 17:37:30

    Keep in mind that if you buy art from me, I will also consider you first for free requests (every customer gets at least one) so it's like a buy one get one free or half price art, however you see it.

  • 2018-03-28 00:19:47

    Honestly it's really hard to get commissions here unless you're an established name here already. I have a tough time winning commissions here and I've been uploading pics since I first started drawing 3 years ago and was a fan and member of the site as far back as 2012-13 era before commissions was even on the site. It used to be the artists would start a poll and accept ideas they'd draw and the payout was a set 40 per pic regardless of how many characters. Then, later they did a system where only the top 8 artists pics with the most likes and stuff would get paid, the other artists who took polls and didn't get enough likes to make the top 8 weren't paid anything for their work. And then it became how it is now. Which is odd. Back in it's prime it had 5x as many artists, members, fans and active artists. It was a booming site. Now it has no where near as many people here. I hope it gets back busy again with more artists and fans.

  • 2018-03-29 16:28:19

    That's tough. I had no idea the history of this site.

Added: 2018-03-26 15:36:24
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Just a quick update:
I'm balancing many plates at this time. All promised work will be completed, but free work will be on indefinite pause (temporarily), as I'm working 70+hours a week, and working on two other projects. One of which is coding and is ****ing me right now... The other is a comic start-up company that is much more work than I expected (and I expected a lot).
Why am I telling y'all this?
I just want to be transparent and for those of you waiting on me and deserving an update, I respectfully pay this courtesy. IF I had payed work on hold right now, production would obviously continue as that is buisiness.
That is All.

Also philosophy and The Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy is AWESOOOOOME!
...aaaaAnd feel free to strike up any conversation with me today, especially intellectual. as I am looking to expand my social circle on here.
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-03-26 21:14:58

    I hope that you will finish your affairs in a month, because maybe I will have a job for you: D

  • 2018-03-27 01:03:55

    It's fine if you note that you gonna be late. It feels worse when after a payment the artist doesn't reply back.

Added: 2018-03-23 19:06:11
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
The free request winners are WHentai-tan's W-H-Tan request, Sichan's full nelson request, and Chomek has an animation suggestion/request in the works. This will take some time as they are freebies.
Thank you everyone for participating. When I open free requests feel free to try again.

And for those of you that would like to increase your chances:
Priority one for free requests goes to those whom have payed me for art, then those whom regularly interact and take interest in my art, then those that are for some reason cool/helpful/friendly people.

Also anyone whom has comissioned me automatically get a free request as long as it follows my rules.
Discussion: (1 comments)
Added: 2018-03-22 17:52:53
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
I want to let everyone know that I am accepting suggestions for free requests. Just send me a message. The ONLY way you're getting your request drawn is if you give a good description and/or good references. If you message me something vague like, "Hinata fucking Naruto", It doesn't show that you can take enough effort in your art request that I should spend the effort to draw it.

I want everyone to know that I am approachable and to not be shy, I will not hate you for speaking freely, unless you're super-rude. Good-luck on your requests everyone!

I look forward to hearing from all of you
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2018-03-22 17:53:52

    If you want a shot at it being ready by morning, send me your request within an hour of this being posted. all other requests will be reviewed tomorrow.

  • 2018-03-22 23:04:10

    It's strange that no one reported idea yet

  • 2018-03-23 04:57:43

    wow great. Please make some stuff with - WH-Tan ?

  • 2018-03-23 06:43:52

    Cho - im pretty sure people did what he said and messaged him :)

  • 2018-03-23 16:27:10

    Ok, requests are closed for now. I will announce my selections later today. WH-Tan is in, I had no idea that we even had a mascot!

Added: 2018-03-19 18:15:30
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Would anyone be interested in me animating something for them? There are examples of animation rough drafts in my gallery. Animating takes a long time, so I figure instead of working on my own animations, perhaps I can work on someone else's.

Discussion: (5 comments)
Added: 2018-03-15 23:55:46
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey I was wondering what you guys thought about this one...Also this will be my last unfinished animation I upload for a while 'till I polish these up. (I don't want to upset the mods here)

Whom should I turn this into?
Also I am thinking I may only upload animations here once I get better. Would you pay for an animation if you could afford it...Sorry Rambling and in a hurry again. Anyways. Enjoy. Will finish soon.

Discussion: (11 comments)
  • 2018-03-16 00:04:01

    Really, nice animations. If I had time to even do them... About who to turn it to, I would think you should try to think a character you would enjoy drawing ;)

  • 2018-03-16 00:18:29

    great animation, love the angle. Yeah I agree, do the character you enjoy drawing the most^^

  • 2018-03-16 01:21:29

    Animation is on point. Really nice

  • 2018-03-16 03:14:10

    What software are you using?

  • 2018-03-16 09:42:26

    You are very good at this ! It's amazing !!!

  • 2018-03-16 15:00:38

    My first animation was that cat girl/bj thing, I did that in open toonz (amazing studio gibli software that is free for public) The other two I did in photo shop because that is what I draw in. Most peeps don't know you can animate in photoshop, but I think I prefer it. And thank you for the compliments everyone, without support like this I wouldn't even bother as it is a lot of work.

  • 2018-03-16 16:03:04

    Okay, you guys suggest faces from characters and I will take the suggestions and and the winner of the poll after two days will be the one I turn this into. Go!

  • 2018-03-16 18:00:31

    Mayby This animation Califula or ***** face ;)

  • 2018-03-16 21:01:16

    how about miku?^^

  • 2018-03-17 00:32:39

    Are you animating by drawing each frame individually and compiling them together into a gif?

  • 2018-03-19 15:02:23

    yes I am, I draw each each basic frame as a separate layer in photo shop and use the animation window/tools, filling in the in between frames as needed to smooth thje animation. I'm very new at this and there may be better ways to do this, but that's how I do it.

Added: 2018-03-13 23:54:29
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey Everyone! I'm back, I'm in a huge rush, been working on some new stuff, (hentai and programming) I was messing with this idea(below) Should I finish it or should I abandon it and start a different pose? If so what position would you rather see. Figured I would ask before I got too involved in this...I'll be back...running super late. Bye!

PS this is super rough I know, but I hope it stays up long enough that I can get an opinion.

Discussion: (7 comments)
  • 2018-03-14 00:03:01

    I like it! I would love for it to be finished!

  • 2018-03-14 00:11:56

    I like it too, very interesting pose and the point of view is really well thought !

  • 2018-03-14 00:16:04

    I see progress ;)

  • Very nice

  • 2018-03-14 05:06:58

    Would be fine if it wasnt anal x)

  • 2018-03-15 01:25:21

    oh wow big improvement there, very impressed. I wish I could animate as good as this. Probably took a lot of time.

  • 2018-03-16 16:04:37

    K guys! Decide who this is going to be!

Added: 2018-03-09 18:04:32
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey Folks, I'll be easing back into drawing lewd art. Hypothetically if you could see me draw anything, and again hypothetically, knew it would be perfect; what would you want to see? I will draw my favorite one.
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2018-03-09 19:56:25

    Hey welcome back pal!

  • 2018-03-09 22:48:54

    Yo wb, Well... Something ahegao related. Maybe bunny Erza as Easters coming up.

  • 2018-03-09 23:55:32

    Hope you’ll come to me if you need color ideas like last time.

  • 2018-03-10 07:39:55

    wb bro, glad you are back^^

  • 2018-03-12 19:14:26

    I'll be watching Fairy Tail for the first time tonight! I'm pretty excited. I really hope I get into it. Will also be sketching tonight.

Added: 2018-02-23 19:46:40
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey, I'm still on hiatus(half-hiatus) studying and such..I would just like to throw a major shoutout to Yogur and HotVR, Yogur is a real down-to-earth guy, cool chap. . . And HotVR, Your art is getting better and better! Thanks for the pro-tips and advice fellas. Keep up the great work.

On a side note, I do pop in to check messages and view any ideas added to my requests, but I am laying off the Hentai-art, either until I have more time, or someone requires my services.

Have an amazing day everyone,
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-02-23 20:11:35

    Thanks for the shout out bro, hope to see you back stronger^^

  • 2018-02-24 09:46:15

    Thanks for the shout out pal! Refresh yourself a bit and come back soon! I hope to see more of your work in the future.

Added: 2018-02-19 13:57:24
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey Everyone,
I will be taking a hiatus from drawing hentai for a while. I'll be doing pin-up stuff for a bit. I may upload some here.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far.

PS Here's some Paizuri.

Discussion: (2 comments)
Added: 2018-02-16 17:39:47
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
This one is for the Artists:
Do you guys prefer people comment in your blog, or your directly in your images comments?

Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2018-02-15 17:06:24
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hello all!
RaidenSupernova (check out his art by the way, if you haven't yet.) Asked a question about what software we use to draw, which got me wondering...What tablets do you guys use, or do you use a mouse? And whom uses vectors for their lines? Comments well appreciated. Thank-you.
Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2018-02-15 18:38:17

    Wacom Intuos - Draw version. Intuos is a lineup of the same tablet but in versions with different software according the version, an several colors to choose from. Wacoms do last very well, I have one from when I was like, 9, and it's still operating, but the cable is a bit damaged so I don't use it for avoiding to wear it off. The only con is the nibs, if you are the "aggresive" type you will need to assure money for buying them each year, LOL

  • 2018-02-15 19:52:01

    I use a monoprice 10 x 6.5 I think it's called, ir's really a huion rebranded, but the thing was less than 60 bucks and if you use the huion driver, It. IS. AMAZING.

  • 2018-02-15 20:01:42

    Wacom Intuos pro medium. It's held up for going on 3 years so far. I ink only in vector lines and sketch/color in raster lines.

Added: 2018-02-15 17:02:45
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
(Do you understand Japanese?)

Also wondering what other languages you guys speak, please comment below with the languages you speak and how fluent you are.

Discussion: (7 comments)
  • 2018-02-15 17:23:30

    Kinda gonna be that guy but あなと( anato ) should be あなた (anata).

  • 2018-02-15 17:48:25

    Yes you are right! I am very new to learning this language and only know about 20 kanji(and not well) So I have to use a hiragana keyboard to type phonetically. Good eye Zattou.

  • 2018-02-15 18:23:55

    Another typo, the "wa" used for prhase forming it's written with a "ha" は instead of the wa silabe. The "object" (this time, japanese language) is followed by a wo を silabe, rather than ga, wich is used instead of the ha-wa for non moving objects, while the ha is more for living/moving objects.

  • 2018-02-15 21:46:02

    Wow, really Yogur? I admit I am by no means an expert, but I am interested in learning as much as I can about this new language. I have been using pimleur and the internet as well as memrise, so I suppose not everything will be correct. duely noted. Thanks!

  • 2018-02-15 21:55:24

    If youre learning the writing portion of Japanese I’d recommend starting with hiragana then katakana and then kanji. Unless you already have the other two down feel free to disregard everything i said~

  • 2018-02-15 22:28:36

    Japanese is a bit hard to learn just at the beginning, but once you make a good base of simple prhases, you can improve faster. As Zattou says, the best is to be sure to learn fine the silabaries and then it goes smoother. There are some exercicies for ***s that are good for beginners learning the silabaries, so you can try them bit a bit to make a strong base to go on. Don't worry if it looks hard, you don't need to learn all kanjis that exist, and even regular japanese people have problems for writtings some of them or knowing them. As long you can mantain a conversation fluently, it will be fine :D Even I do mistakes sometimes, and I'm learning it since I was like 12 haha

  • 2018-02-15 23:14:53

    Japanese no, English Enough to have a conversation. German Only a little. Polish very good :D

Added: 2018-02-13 17:09:43
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Greetings Whentaku!
I was hoping to get some critiques. What do you guys think about this? Don't be shy but please do not be too harsh . I'm currently taking the advice of a fellow artist (from here) and working on certain details of my drawing.

Color version coming soon(ish).

Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2018-02-13 17:52:14

    What color hair y'all? She's a goblin, not an elf.

  • 2018-02-13 18:04:12

    a light green for her skin, darker green for her nipples, and black for her hair.

  • 2018-02-13 18:27:03

    hmm, dark green nipples and black hair, I didn't consider that combination. Any other suggestions, I'm going to flesh out this OC and make her a regular in my uploads.

  • 2018-02-14 00:04:04

    too big breasts, but you can see an improvement in your drawing style

  • 2018-02-14 16:24:53

    Thank you Chomek1, I very much appreciate the compliment. I am drawing exclusively for this site so I have been practicing my hentai...also I do not usually draw breasts quite this large, but I am experimenting.

Added: 2018-02-12 22:52:39
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hello Humans,
I. AM. Animating! I just started and this is more of an experiment. But, If anyone is wondering what "Ol' Ahe-G" is up to. Here it is:

Ps: This stuff is a lot more involved than I was prepared for but all-in-all not bad for 4-6 hours work...

Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2018-02-13 00:28:12

    nice^^ how did you upload this here and to which extension did you save it?

  • 2018-02-13 00:46:23

    Nice work!

  • 2018-02-13 16:29:51

    Thank you, gentlemen. I drew this in open toons, and exported the files as png images, Then I uploaded to photoshop and animated it there because open toons can do many things but saving animated gifs isn't one of them.

Added: 2018-02-12 18:02:07
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hello Everyone,
I was wondering what I should practice drawing? What would you guys like to see uploaded most?
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-02-12 18:10:39

    Anatomy is always something to improve when it comes to sexual art. Not need to know how to draw it milimetrically, but practising a "personal anatomy dummy" with notions of real anatomy, it makes the whole thing lot easier and it makes you go faster to the second part: details. Detailing the dirty parts (textures, lighting, liquid consistencies) it helps to make it more naughty, so that means more happy clients willing to pay for their fantasies to be drawn.

  • 2018-02-12 22:46:37

    Yogur, you are super awesome. Thanks for you input. I'll be taking you advice tonight!

Added: 2018-02-06 14:54:29
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey Everyone. I'll be taking a break from whentai for a while, which I doubt anyone will notice as I've not scored any commissions here. I'll pop in to check if anyone has requested anything of me but I am currently too busy with my life and family to focus on this.
Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2018-02-06 22:37:42

    Yes, it's really hard when you are new. It happens to me as well. I guess is matter of time, also, to have a large gallery of samples is usually better, so popping from time to time a new picture may help to atract customers as well. I hope you still will have some luck here, your art seems interesting and a bit different than the rest.

  • 2018-02-07 19:47:57

    You just have to adjust your style, for a given series, for example, Katanagatari

  • 2018-02-08 17:35:52

    I appreciate the comments, especially the encouragement yogur. I'll be back one day better than ever with plenty of material!

Added: 2018-02-01 19:44:05
# Link to the post in ahegaoblin's Blog
Hey Everyone!
I would just like to say that I am new to hentai commissions (but not hentai) and I am really excited to draw art for other people. So... I will be offering a chance for everyone interested in possibly supporting me to "test the water" so to speak and gauge if I would be the right artist for your future ideas by offering everyone on this site a single commission/piece for $5.

P.S. More art to come this week.

P.S.S I was was wondering how many people would be interested in something like this, so I attached a poll.

Discussion: (0 comments)
Correlon LLP, Office 7, 35-37 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JN, UK.
Contact us: [email protected].
Copyright © 2008-2025 WHentai.Com. All rights reserved.

All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.