2017-01-25 22:18:48
Ideas generally need paid votes.
2017-01-26 15:34:47
oh really?
2017-01-27 02:18:03
It depends on idea. But if you need your idea win and created fast - the simplest way - buy votes.
2017-01-19 22:24:56
Why you say that? Lack of content of those themes or little support with votes on polls with those themes?
2017-01-20 19:19:24
Lack of content of those themes
2017-01-20 22:59:01
I know some nations are very anti-incest and their laws are quite difficult even in the hentai scene. But generally its just taste.
2017-01-21 01:17:10
Ye, just gotta like what cha like lol
2017-01-21 17:58:20
but could be more
2017-01-21 19:17:35
2017-01-21 19:18:18
Dad / Daughter pairing
2017-01-22 02:59:41
If you'd like to see dad/daughter pairing and no one wants to vote for you, buy your own votes. If you can't do that, then there's nothing else you can do