Title: "Girls Bravo :Bravo Ever After" (video)
Main Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Supporting Characters: Kirie Kojima, Koyomi Hare Nanaka , Maharu Sena Kanana, and Tomoka Lana Jude a.k.a Tomo
Location: Yukinari's House and his bedroom.
Seventeenth Scene: “The Realization.†After their shocking surprise, Kirie gets angry as she loses her temper. She’s about to ******* Yukinari. But, Kirie is prevented by Koyomi and Maharu from doing so as both girls restraining Kirie like holding her back right before Kirie lands a single hit on Yukinari while he’s a***** with Miharu. Tomoka and Maharu reminds Kirie that Yukinari and Miharu are married now. Once Kirie hears that from them, she stops and calm down as she just realized that Yukinari and Miharu were married. And then, Kirie says she’s sorry.