Title: "Girls Bravo: Bonding Bravo"
Characters: Yukinari Sasaki and Miharu Sena Kanaka
Location: The Hot Springs
Plot: Yukinari and Miharu spending time along in the hot springs, just the two of them. They're having sex in the lotus position kind of like this
Image in nighttime. Only with Miharu uses her arms to wrap around Yukinari's neck while using her legs to wrap around his body. Miharu's happily sexing (fucking) Yukinari like if she's squeezing/hugging him tight because she loves him so much. Yukinari's blushes with happiness on his face because he's becoming one with Miharu due to the fact he loves her very much. Yukinari and Miharu having a great time on there. Please make sure Yukinari's face is revealed including his eyes, nose, and mouth. Make sure Miharu's tits are revealed. Be sure that Yukinari's penis is inside of Miharu's vagina (feel free to use X-Ray if needed to ensure the viewers that his penis is inside of her). Make sure that Yukinari and Miharu's stomachs make contact with each other during sex. Be sure that most of their bodies are revealed, including her butt. Both characters are completely naked without any clothes on.