ALL CHARACTERS are over 18 and consensually
Three-panel comic
Oxcullia McFlanock/Oxy Cottontail {ORIGINAL CHARACTER}
cosplaying in a princess at a sci-fy con as Captive of a Gamorrean (cosplayer in a costume)
Panel one
Oxy is in a two-piece Princess Leia slave outfit With a cosplay Gamorrean/Dhork holding her chain.
Panel two
Oxy is in a topless Princess Leia slave outfit with a handprint on her body. Colored liquids run down her legs and pool on the floor, and a cosplay Gamorrean/Dhork holds her chain.
Panel three
Oxy is smiling, naked with more handprints on her body and more colored liquids running down her legs and pooling on the floor With a cosplay Gamorrean/Dhork holding her chain.
the cosplay Gamorrean/Dhork is a human in a costume, not a monster or with odd-colored skin!!