Member submits an idea

Any person submits the idea and sets the budget to spend on the commission

Member chooses the Artist

The person chooses the best offer among others

Artists fix the price of it

Registered artists check the idea and set the price for the commission and time to create one.

Artist creates the idea

The artist creates and uploads the commission within defined time.

Member submits an idea

Any person submits the idea and sets the budget to spend on the commission

Member chooses the Artist

The person chooses the best offer among others

Artists fix the price of it

Registered artists check the idea and set the price for the commission and time to create one.

Artist creates the idea

The artist creates and uploads the commission within defined time.

Detailed description:

You have an idea of what you want to see on a picture. You start a new Auction and set the maximum amount of Extra Votes you want to spend on a pic. A certain amount of Extra Votes will be put on hold from your account, you can't use them on WHentai for voting. The Auction expires after 48 hours automatically and Extra Votes return back to your account.

Once the Auction started each of our Artists is notified about the idea and the maximum amount of Extra Votes you will spend. If he's fine with the idea, he will bet his price (how many EVs he wants for the idea) and maximum time to commit. Other artists will do the same.

While Auction is still running you might choose the artist with the best bet. He will create a pic based on your idea.

Sometimes artist's bet might be higher than your budget, so we added an ability to "crowdfund" a commission to handle such cases. You might allow other users to add their details to your idea in exchange of their Extra Votes. For example: you created a idea "Naruto fucks Tsunade" and state 50 Extra Votes, another user of whentai might add a detail: "Tsunade fucked in reversed cowgirl position" and add 50 Extra Votes to the idea. In this case the idea would "cost" 100 Extra Votes instead of 50 Extra Votes. Generally, the most skilled artists focus on commissions with more Extra Votes, so it will be a great advantage. To allow this feature, just check the box "Allow additional details by other users" below the Idea box.

Every artist might take part in two Auctions simultaneously. The artist might bet again if the Auction he took part in will expire. Also he might bet again if he will upload the picture in the Auction he won.

You can use links to external files - just paste the url in idea text; also you can use newlines - just press the return key while typing in the box.

Three TYPES OF TAGS are required to describe your idea:
1) RED - Original source (ex. One Piece or Overwatch)
2) BLUE - Character name (ex. Erza Scarlet or Rangiku Matsumoto)
3) GREY - Common tag (ex. anal or schoolgirl or full nelson).
Put at least one tag of each type (each "color"), the more tags you put the better.
Available Artists:

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Apocalypse's Idea
Stack: 445 EVs (used 1150)
Title: Minerva Orlando the nigger prostitute part 21 ship sex


When Minerva arrive at George house giving him his money that she earn and went to go to *****. The next day George break the new to Minerva that a rich Nigger wanted her to go with him to his cruise. He wanted to fuck her and ask if Minerva will come with him? Minerva anserd that as long as he is coming with her she didn't mind. George awnserd with that he is glad that he made her his nigger whore.
The day arrived that George and Minerva went on the cruise. When the ship set sail the captain said that he was happy that the both of them wanted to go. The captain brought some clothing special for Minerva and requised her to wear them on this cruise Minerva didn't mind and got changing into her new cloting. In the meantime George and the captain were talking on how how the event are going to happen. After the both of them got finish talking Minerva went outside with her new cloting. The captain showed George and Minerva around. When the both of them were showing around they were greeting with other Niggers on the ship. 2 fat Niggers and 4 muscle Niggers. All the Niggers on the ship were shooked to she Minerva on the ship. All the Niggers were talking with each other and saying things like: Its that nigger whore Minerva, This might be a really good time, I wanne fuck her, it looks like they brought a good one.

In the night everyone came to the dinner hall and start eating. After some time George poured wine for everyone and everyone drink the wine. But after 10 minutes everyone got super horny and wanted to fuck really badly. What George did was that he put a **** in the wine that will make everyone super horny and the only way to get it out is a hardcore and rought fuck. The Niggers looked at Minerva all they saw was a half naked horny nigger whore, and all Minerva saw were Nigger with huge cocks that can satisfied her. In This case it is a win win situation for everyone.

Panel 1

Minerva is getting gropped really aggressive by the Niggers. Everyone is super horny and needed to fuck. Minerva is the same (super horny and needed to fuck). Minerva and the Niggers are all wet. Minerva is leaking out of her cunt. The Niggers are pre cumming a lot. Minerva is getting touched by a lot of Niggers and some Niggers are stripping Minerva (those Niggers can't wait any longer and needed to fuck right now) while she is getting touched and gropped. (look at pic 1 for idea's and posision).

Posision: Image , Image
Minerva's prostitute clothing: Image
Minerva's hat: Image

* Minerva is wearing other prostitute clothing.
* Everyone is super horny.
* The Niggers are starting to strip themselfs.
* There are 6 Niggers.
* 2 fat Niggers
* 4 muscle Niggers.
* Some Niggers are stripping Minerva.
* You see on the background George enjoying himself and recording everthing.
* Everyone is moaning.

- Minerva and the Nigger all got a dronk and lustful expression.
- Location: dinner hall cruise ship.

Location: Image

Dirty talk Nigger: I gotta get in dis sweet cunt you slut!
Dirty talk Nigger that is stripping Minerva: take off your fucking clothes right fucking now you nigger bitch
Dirty talk Nigger that is stripping Minerva: Ima fill you with nigger cock you chink bitch.
Dirty talk Minerva: Thats it you nasty niggers. Man handle this grade a nigger slut for black nigger cock! Fill me with that stinky piping hot spooge!!!

Panel 2

Minerva is having a double_penetration and she is blowing some cocks. The Niggers are giving Minerva a teast of the cocks that are gonne fuck her really hard. Everyone is getting horny and horny by the seconded. (look at pic 2 for idea's and posision).

Posision: Image , Image

* Everyone is naked
* The sex is rough and hardcore.
* Everyone is enjoying the sex.
* Everyone is moaning.

- Minerva and the Nigger all got horny faces.
- Location: A huge bedroom where prostitutes are being fucked.

Bedroom: Image

Panel 3

Minerva is getting double anal and double_vaginal and the other 2 Niggers are rubbing their cocks on Minerva's nippels. Minerva loves this and start to ask the Niggers to fuck her harder. The Nigger are about to cum.

* Everyone is moaning.

- Minerva is having a Ahegao face.
- The niggers are also having Ahegao faces.
- Location: the deck of the ship

Location: Image

Panel 4

The Niggers are cumming on Minerva. The ****s give the Niggers also a lot of cum. The Niggers are cumming a lot that it looks like Minerva is burried under all that cum. Minerva is starting to orgasume from all that cum that she is getting. Minerva wants more cum because she is still horny.

* The Niggers are cumming a lot.
* The Niggers are cumming huge cum blasts.
* Minerva is having a huge orgasume.
* You see the sun rising on the background.
* You see George sitting in the background enjoying the show and recoreded everything.

- Minerva is having a fucked silly face.
- Location: ships deck

Location: Image

Dirty talk Minerva: More fuck me more, give me more of your cum.
Dirty talk Nigger: This nigger whore hasn't have enough. We are gonne keep fucking you until our balls are empthy and believe me that will take a while.
Link to Commission / Added:
Created by: EdJim
2022-11-16 00:00:00 3 days 1150
2022-02-23 00:00:00 10 days 445
2022-02-23 00:00:00 20 days 445
Display more 3 artists
2022-02-23 00:00:00 20 days 445
2022-02-23 00:00:00 10 days 445
2022-02-23 00:00:00 20 days 445
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