Title: Minerva Orlando and Irene Belserion the nigger prostitutes part 21.9 (Lisanna bar gangbang)
The master of Lisanna and Mirajane was drinking again and was in a bad mood. He yelled at Lisanna asking her why she is a bad nigger whore and why she couldn't make as much money as Mirajane. Lisanna apologize to her master and said that she would make a lot of money tonight so that her master will not be upset with her. Mirajane didn't like it one bit. She knows that Lisanna is trying more then she can handel. If Lisanna is going through with the current past she would not be hurting herself or in worst case be dead. Mirajane tried to talk to her master about Lisanna that she is doing the best she can. Mirajane know that the master is happy with her because Mirajane is a excellent nigger whore that makes a lot of money. However in the meantime Lisanna was getting ready to earn a lot of money for her master and went out without Mirajane knowing that she was gone to earn money.
Lisanna was looking around to see if she can find some niggers that she can fuck. Lisanna was going to the prostitutes streets but after 1 hour she wasn't pick at all. Lisanna was now starting to get scared and was thinking were to find some niggers to earn some money. After 30 minuts of Searching she has found a bar with a lot of niggers in it. Lisanna tought that she would make a lot of money in there because a lot of niggers would want to fuck her so Lisanna went inside to see if she can earn some money.
When Lisanna was in the bar she saw a lot of niggers and knew that she would make a lot of money for her master so Lisanna was making herself ready and starting to ask if the niggers would love to fuck her.
Panel 1
Lisanna is in a bar she is surrounded by nigger cock. The man are jerking off in front of Lisanna or are rubbing their cock in Lisanna's face or body (look at pic 1 for idea's and posision).
* Lisanna is wearing prostitutes clothing
* The niggers are a mix between muscle and fat niggers.
- Lisanna is having a horny and lustfull face.
- The niggers are having horny and pleaser faces.
- Location: bar
Panel 2
Lisanna is now getting stripped by the niggers while some niggers are pressing their cocks in Lisanna's nose making her smell their huge dirty nigger cocks.
* Lisanna is getting stripped by the niggers.
* The nigger are very horny now
- Lisanna is having a nasty and horny face.
- The niggers are having pleaser and lustfull faces.
- Location: bar
Panel 3
Lisanna is now sitting. The niggers are rubbing their cocks in Lisanna's face and mouth. 1 nigger is even touching Lisanna's cunt making Lisanna very horny (look at pic 3 for idea's and posision).
* everyone is naked
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 4
Lisanna is now getting fucked in reverse cowgirl posision. The niggers are fucking her in her cunt and anal. The niggers are also licking her tits while also gropping Lisanna's tits while she is surrounded by nigger cock (look at pic 4 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 5
Lisanna is getting fucked in reverse cowgirl posision. She is getting fucked in her cunt while a fat nigger is holding her head giving himself a really hot blowjob. Another nigger is jerking off in front of Lisanna's face (look at pic 5 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 6
Lisanna is still getting fucked in reverse cowgirl posision but now laying on her back. She is getting fucked in her cunt and anal. She is also jerking off some niggers while she is getting gropped by her tits (look at pic 6 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 7
Lisanna is getting fucked on her side. She is getting fucked in her cunt while she is licking a niggers cock (look at pic 7 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 8
Lisanna is now standing getting fucked on her side. A nigger is holding Lisanna's legs while he is fucking her in her cunt. The other niggers is letting Lisanna blow him (look at pic 8 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 9
Lisanna is getting fucked in cowgirl posision. She is getting fucked in her cunt anal and oral. The nigger that is fucking Lisanna in her cunt is also ass grapping her (look at pic 9 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 10
Lisanna is getting fucked in missionary_position. She is jerking off some niggers while a muscle nigger is licking her cunt (look at pic 10 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 11
Lisanna is getting fucked in missionary_position. She is getting fucked in her cunt and anal. She is also jerking some nigger off. However the niggers are fucking Lisanna really roughly now (look at pic 11 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 12
Lisanna is getting fucked in cowgirl posision. She is only getting fucked in her cunt. The nigger that analed her has already cummed in her (look at pic 12 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 13
Lisanna is laying down and she is getting fucked in her cunt while the other niggers are rubbing their cocks on her and cumming at her. Lisanna is doing a sexy pose while she is getting cummed on and surrounded by cocks (look at pic 13 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 14
Lisanna is now laying on the ground she is still surrounded by cocks while she is having her legs in the air. The niggers are still cumming on her. Lisanna is now surrounded by cocks and money. She is laying in some money while the niggers are cumming on her (look at pic 14 for idea's and posision).
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
Panel 15
Lisanna is drinking the niggers cum that are in beer glasses. She is also getting money for the niggers.
- Lisanna is having a horny and pleaser face.
- The niggers are having an enjoying and lustfull face.
- Location: bar
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