Any person submits the idea and sets the budget to spend on the commission
Member chooses the Artist
The person chooses the best offer among others
Artists fix the price of it
Registered artists check the idea and set the price for the commission and time to create one.
Artist creates the idea
The artist creates and uploads the commission within defined time.
Detailed description:
You have an idea of what you want to see on a picture. You start a new Auction and set the maximum amount of Extra Votes you want to spend on a pic. A certain amount of Extra Votes will be put on hold from your account, you can't use them on WHentai for voting. The Auction expires after 48 hours automatically and Extra Votes return back to your account.
Once the Auction started each of our Artists is notified about the idea and the maximum amount of Extra Votes you will spend. If he's fine with the idea, he will bet his price (how many EVs he wants for the idea) and maximum time to commit. Other artists will do the same.
While Auction is still running you might choose the artist with the best bet. He will create a pic based on your idea.
Sometimes artist's bet might be higher than your budget, so we added an ability to "crowdfund" a commission to handle such cases. You might allow other users to add their details to your idea in exchange of their Extra Votes. For example: you created a idea "Naruto fucks Tsunade" and state 50 Extra Votes, another user of whentai might add a detail: "Tsunade fucked in reversed cowgirl position" and add 50 Extra Votes to the idea. In this case the idea would "cost" 100 Extra Votes instead of 50 Extra Votes. Generally, the most skilled artists focus on commissions with more Extra Votes, so it will be a great advantage. To allow this feature, just check the box "Allow additional details by other users" below the Idea box.
Every artist might take part in two Auctions simultaneously. The artist might bet again if the Auction he took part in will expire. Also he might bet again if he will upload the picture in the Auction he won.
Available Artists:
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Title: Minerva Orlando the nigger prostitute part 17 bachelor party with Irene part 1
A couple days ago Minerva's first master (Micheal) got a invited from his friend (Mark) for a bachelor party. Micheal and Minerva got ready and went to pick up Mark and Irene. When they arrive Micheal called Mark and said that he has arrived and ask to come downstairs. Mark and Irene went downstairs and got in the car. In the car Mark explained what is going to happend this night. Someone contacted Mark that he is going to marry and for the last night that he is single he wanted to fack 2 nigger whores and they choose Minerva and Irene. Minerva and Irene were happy that they were chosen to get facked.
At arrivel the Minerva rang the doorbell and a black man opent the door. He saw Minerva and Irene and said that they looked very hot and sexy. You saw that the man instantly got a boner just by looking at them. Micheal and Mark said to Minerva and Irene that they will pick them up the next day when the party was over.
* The sex is rough, aggressief and hardcore for the 2 commisions.
Panel 1
Minerva and Irene are in the livingroom there are a lot of niggers.
The niggers are all naked and very horny. They really want to fuck Minerva and Irene.
Minerva and Irene are getting gropped aggressivey by a lot of niggers. The fat nigger is gropping Irene and kissing her (the artist can also decied if a man is kissing Minerva), (look at pic 0 for idea's and posision).
Prositute clothing Minerva: Image
Prostitute clothing Irene: Image
Livingroom: Image
And livingroom lights: External
Irene's gloves: Image (color pink like her outfit).
* The one man that is going to marry is a fat nigger. His name is Rex.
* There is a man on the background and he is recording everthing.
* A lot of niggers are naked and the fat nigger is naked. Every nigger has a huge cock and huge balls they also have huge boners.
* The fat nigger got a thiccer ass than Minerva and Irene and got the biggest cock and balls.
* There is only 1 fat nigger. All the other niggers are muscle niggers.
* Minerva and Irene are Moaning.
- Minerva and Irene are wearing prostitute clothing.
- Minerva and Irene and the man are all having nasty and horny facess.
- Location: Livingroom
Dirty talk Rex: "We got two hot and horny nigger whores. I'm going to give you two the most roughest and most aggressive fack you will ever get."
Dirty talk Minerva: Yes you can use our cunt however you like.
Dirty talk Irene: Our body's are yours tonight. Use our body's until you are satisfied. Fuck us like you fuck your fuckdolls.
Panel 2
Minerva and Irene are giving Rex a titjob while they are sucking other niggers cock. While they are giving Rex a titjob and sucking other niggers their cock, other niggers are rubbing their cocks on Minerva and Irene's face (look at pic 0.1 for idea's and posision).
* Minerva and Irene are still wearing their prostitute clothing from panel 1.
* Minerva and Irene are Moaning.
* There is a man on the background and he is recording everthing.
- Minerva and Irene are having a nasty and horny face.
- Rex is having a horny face.
- Location: Livingroom
Panel 3
Rex is sitting on the living room sofa. Irene is riding on Rex's cock (look at pic 1 for idea's and posision). Image
Minerva is getting a pile driving from a muslce nigger (look at pic 2 for idea's and posision). Image
* Minerva and Irene are both naked.
* Everyone is starting to love the sex.
* Other niggers are jerking off to Minerva.
* Minerva and Irene are Moaning.
* There is a man on the background and he is recording everthing.
- Minerva and Irene are both having a dirty and nasty look on their faces.
- Rex is having a horny and lustfull face.
- The other niggers are having lustfull and lewd faces.
- Location: Livingroom
Panel 4
Minerva and Irene are now switching. Minerva is getting facked by Rex and Irene is getting fack by other muscle niggers.
Minerva is by the knees getting analed by Rex (look at pic 3 for the posision and idea's) Image
Irene is getting fucked in missionary_position. She is getting facked and is blowing a nigger at the same time (look at pic 4 for idea's and posision). Image
* Minerva and Irene are having their first orgasm. However the niggers are still facking them even if they orgasm.
* Minerva and Irene are Moaning.
* There is a man on the background and he is recording everthing.
- Minerva and Irene are having both Ahegao facess.
- The niggers are having pleaser and enjoying faces.
- Location: Livingroom
Panel 5
Minerva is still getting fack by Rex. Minerva's ass is up and her head is down. Minerva is loving it that the sex is rough (look at pic 5 for posision and idea's). Image
Irene is in cowgirl posision. A muscle nigger is fucking Irene and they are loving it (look at pic 6 for idea's and posision). Image
* The niggers are grabbing Minerva and Irene's assess exposing both the woman's asshole's with their two hands grabbing her huge/fat ass.
* Minerva and Irene are Moaning.
* There is a man on the background and he is recording everthing.
- Minerva and Irene are having both Ahegao facess.
- Rex is having an super horny and lewd face.
- The niggers are having pleaser and lustfull faces.
- Location: Livingroom
Panel 6
* Minerva and Irene are switching. Irene is getting facked by Rex and Minerva is getting fack by muscle niggers.
Irene is on laying down on the sofa and is getting fack by Rex in missionary_position (look at pic 7 for idea's and posision). Image
Minerva is getting facked behind by a muscle nigger while standing (look at pic 8 for idea's and posision). Image
* The niggers are cumming on Minerva and Irene.
* Minerva and Irene are having their seconded orgasm. However the niggers are still facking them even if they orgasm.
* Minerva and Irene are Moaning.
* There is a man on the background and he is recording everthing.
- Minerva and Irene are still having Ahegao faces.
- Rex is having an pleaser and release face.
- The other niggers are having lewd and lustfull faces.
- Location: Livingroom
Dirty talk a nigger: That was wonderfull, however we are not done with you two nigger whore's yet. We are getting to round 2 now.
Dirty talk Minerva: Yes fack us more. I love a good rough fack.
Dirty talk Irene: Fack us harder we love aggressief and hardcore sex from niggers.
Dirty talk Rex: I'm gonne fack both of your cunts so hard that you both can't walk for 1 week.
Dirty talk Rex: Minerva and Irene your both lovely nigger fuckdolls, your both created to be fucked by niggers.
- This is the ending for part 1. The bachelor party is going to continued on part 2.