Title: Minerva Orlando the nigger prostitute part 8: gain a new master.
Micheal got an order from someone that he want to rent Minerva Orlando for 1 night. He pays 2000 Fiore Dollars for it. Micheal couldn't refuse that and ask Minerva to come in his office. When Minerva arrive Micheal said that someone rented her for 2000 Fiore Dollars for 1 night. Minerva got touched that someone payed good money for her cunt. Micheal said to Minerva to give this men an unforgettable night and Minerva agreed. Little did she know that this night will be diffrent unlike any other nights.
Minerva got droped off to the location and she knocked on the door. A fat black men opend the door and George was surprised. George ask her to come in and closed the door behind her. In the room you saw a bed and a computer with 4 screens. On the wall you saw pictures from Minerva having sex (from your all your previous work). George says that he found her very hot and sexy. He was very happy that he can purchased her for the night. George has seen all of Minerva's video's and has Minerva's pictures on his wall. George said "I wanted to fuck you for a very long time". The moment I purchased you I didn't jerk off and went without a bath for 10 days. So that we both can enjoy ourselfs. Minerva got wetter and wetter the more she smells George. She asked what he had in mind? George said that Minerva should go to other room and strip until she was naked. George will also strip bein naked and he will start to jerk off for Minerva's sexy and lewd body.
Panel 1
- This panel is split screen. On 1 pic you see the back from Minerva looking at George jerking off. On the seconded screen you see the back of George looking at Minerva doing a sexy pose.
Minerva is at the bedroom door doing a sexy pose. George is sitting on the bed jerking off.
* On the background you see picture's from Minerva having sex (from your all your previous work).
* There is an Minerva Orlando real sex doll on the background. George has this sex doll so that he can fantasize having sex with Minerva.
* Minerva and George are both naked.
* George has some smegma on his cock.
- Minerva and George both have a dirty and horny face.
- Location: Room full with Minerva's porn pic.
Dirty talk George: You truly have a body like a nigger whore. I'm gonne take my time to fuck your cunt nigger whore.
Minerva: "Do you like what you see?" "Use my body and cunt however you like". "I will give you an unforgettable night".
panel 2
Minerva is sitting down blowing George off. George is sitting on his chair holding Minerva's head. (look at the pic for idea's and posision).
* Minerva and George are both naked.
* Minerva is touching herself while she is blowing George off.
- Minerva is having a nasty/Ahegao face.
- The men has a dirty/satisfied face.
- Location: George sex room.
Dirty talk George: You're such a good nigger whore, I would love to make you mine. How do you like being my whore?
panel 3
Minerva is on top of George fucking his cock. George is grabbing Minerva's hot and huge tits. (look at the pic for idea's and posision).
- Minerva and George both have lewd/horny facess.
- Location: George sex room.
Dirty George: How about becoming my nigger whore. you will have a lot more sex and earn more money much faster, how does that sound?
Minerva: "sorry I already have a master".
George tought: ("I have to fuck her harder and rougher if I want her to become my nigger whore.)"
panel 4
Minerva and George are both standing. Minerva is against the wall and George is fucking her while he holds her ass. (look at the pic for idea's and posision).
- Minerva is having a ahegao face.
- George is having a Ahegao face.
- Location: George sex room.
Dirty talk George: "come on become my nigger whore". "You will have sex with men that really needs a good fuck". "You do like rough sex right?".
Minerva tought: I will get more rough and hardcore sex if I became his nigger whore and earn money much faster. I think his deal isn't so bad.
Panel 5
Minerva is laying down on the bed getting rough and hardcore anal sex. George is fucking Minerva's huge ass. (look at the pic for idea's and posision).
- Minerva is having a ahegao face.
- Location: George sex room.
Dirty talk George: And have you being deceided to became my nigger whore?
Minerva: Yes I will also be your nigger whore. I will let niggers fuck my cunt. I will even payed off all your debts by letting niggers fuck me.
Panel 6
George is cumming heavyly in Minerva's mouth. Minerva is covert in cum and has her mouth open to swollow the cum (some cum are on her face).
George is jerking off and cumming at the same time. (look at the pic for idea's and posision).
- Minerva is having a dirty/horny and satisfied face.
- Location: George sex room.
- Dirty talk George: good decision now drink my cum nigger whore. I'm marking you as my nigger whore. I will call you when you have to pay off my first debt.
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