Member submits an idea

Any person submits the idea and sets the budget to spend on the commission

Member chooses the Artist

The person chooses the best offer among others

Artists fix the price of it

Registered artists check the idea and set the price for the commission and time to create one.

Artist creates the idea

The artist creates and uploads the commission within defined time.

Member submits an idea

Any person submits the idea and sets the budget to spend on the commission

Member chooses the Artist

The person chooses the best offer among others

Artists fix the price of it

Registered artists check the idea and set the price for the commission and time to create one.

Artist creates the idea

The artist creates and uploads the commission within defined time.

Detailed description:

You have an idea of what you want to see on a picture. You start a new Auction and set the maximum amount of Extra Votes you want to spend on a pic. A certain amount of Extra Votes will be put on hold from your account, you can't use them on WHentai for voting. The Auction expires after 48 hours automatically and Extra Votes return back to your account.

Once the Auction started each of our Artists is notified about the idea and the maximum amount of Extra Votes you will spend. If he's fine with the idea, he will bet his price (how many EVs he wants for the idea) and maximum time to commit. Other artists will do the same.

While Auction is still running you might choose the artist with the best bet. He will create a pic based on your idea.

Sometimes artist's bet might be higher than your budget, so we added an ability to "crowdfund" a commission to handle such cases. You might allow other users to add their details to your idea in exchange of their Extra Votes. For example: you created a idea "Naruto fucks Tsunade" and state 50 Extra Votes, another user of whentai might add a detail: "Tsunade fucked in reversed cowgirl position" and add 50 Extra Votes to the idea. In this case the idea would "cost" 100 Extra Votes instead of 50 Extra Votes. Generally, the most skilled artists focus on commissions with more Extra Votes, so it will be a great advantage. To allow this feature, just check the box "Allow additional details by other users" below the Idea box.

Every artist might take part in two Auctions simultaneously. The artist might bet again if the Auction he took part in will expire. Also he might bet again if he will upload the picture in the Auction he won.

You can use links to external files - just paste the url in idea text; also you can use newlines - just press the return key while typing in the box.

Three TYPES OF TAGS are required to describe your idea:
1) RED - Original source (ex. One Piece or Overwatch)
2) BLUE - Character name (ex. Erza Scarlet or Rangiku Matsumoto)
3) GREY - Common tag (ex. anal or schoolgirl or full nelson).
Put at least one tag of each type (each "color"), the more tags you put the better.
Available Artists:

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hdctbpxl's Idea
Stack: 300 EVs
A sequel to this excellent pic: sam-totally-*****

This time, the two thugs (or two of their buddies) are holding Sam up and DPing her. Her belt and a few shreds of her uniform are left, but she's mostly nude. Her arms are box-tied behind her. Her head is back, eyes closed, mouth open, like she's in the middle of crying out. She's not happy, but her toes are curled as if she's feeling some unwanted pleasure. She is leaking cum front and back and has more dripping from her chin and splattering her body (one big wad might have hit the heart in her belt).

I'd like the guy in front of her not to block the view of her more than needed. He could be semi-transparent, or leaning back, or just stepping back from Sam and leaving her a creampie joined to his cock with a ribbon of cum. I attached a rough sketch, but feel free to play around with it.

A couple of references to give the general idea:
External /
External (girl at left)

Thank you!
Link to Commission / Added:
Created by: Kojack
2018-07-09 12:00:00 30 days 300
2018-07-02 12:00:00 5 days 130
2018-07-02 12:00:00 3 days 186
Display more 3 artists
2018-07-02 12:00:00 20 days 300
2018-07-02 12:00:00 15 days 300
2018-07-02 12:00:00 10 days 300
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All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.

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