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Detailed description:

You have an idea of what you want to see on a picture. You start a new Auction and set the maximum amount of Extra Votes you want to spend on a pic. A certain amount of Extra Votes will be put on hold from your account, you can't use them on WHentai for voting. The Auction expires after 48 hours automatically and Extra Votes return back to your account.

Once the Auction started each of our Artists is notified about the idea and the maximum amount of Extra Votes you will spend. If he's fine with the idea, he will bet his price (how many EVs he wants for the idea) and maximum time to commit. Other artists will do the same.

While Auction is still running you might choose the artist with the best bet. He will create a pic based on your idea.

Sometimes artist's bet might be higher than your budget, so we added an ability to "crowdfund" a commission to handle such cases. You might allow other users to add their details to your idea in exchange of their Extra Votes. For example: you created a idea "Naruto fucks Tsunade" and state 50 Extra Votes, another user of whentai might add a detail: "Tsunade fucked in reversed cowgirl position" and add 50 Extra Votes to the idea. In this case the idea would "cost" 100 Extra Votes instead of 50 Extra Votes. Generally, the most skilled artists focus on commissions with more Extra Votes, so it will be a great advantage. To allow this feature, just check the box "Allow additional details by other users" below the Idea box.

Every artist might take part in two Auctions simultaneously. The artist might bet again if the Auction he took part in will expire. Also he might bet again if he will upload the picture in the Auction he won.

You can use links to external files - just paste the url in idea text; also you can use newlines - just press the return key while typing in the box.

Three TYPES OF TAGS are required to describe your idea:
1) RED - Original source (ex. One Piece or Overwatch)
2) BLUE - Character name (ex. Erza Scarlet or Rangiku Matsumoto)
3) GREY - Common tag (ex. anal or schoolgirl or full nelson).
Put at least one tag of each type (each "color"), the more tags you put the better.
Available Artists:

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klauser57's Idea
Stack: 100 EVs
So the Idea would require 2 separate pictures but with the same background.2 Drawings of Nico Robin.

To begin with, it is in POV view on their ship.You are sitting in a stair on the ship.See the red dot.
So we are sitting where I put the red dot (middle, down if you missed it).The picture gives you a general idea of how the ship will look from where we are sitting, watching straight in front of us.But we only need to have the feeling of being present on a ship, so minimal efforts must be put on the background.It is a sunny day, some clouds are seen.

About Nico Robin, she is clothed with her Enies Lobby dark dress and boots.
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But there are two little differences : The boots, they don't go as far up.They stop at around middle knees.
And secondly, see the white tissue (with blue stripes) between the end of the dress and the boots.Remove it.

But she doesn't have her pre-skip design.No, she has her post skip design, with the glasses, hair and whiter skin.
Here's a picture of post skip Robin that could be reference for the face/hairs (but eyes a bit greener) :

Here is a resembling Nico Robin on this website (face-wise) :
I had like a Robin that looks like Robin from One Piece and not a Robin that got appropriated by someone else's style.Excuse me if I sound too mean!!

And so, on to the first pose.See the reference picture (extremely important) :
I would want a similar pose.Her left arm would not be up but posing on her waist and will not hide her face nor left breast.Notice on the left brace you can easily imagine the tip of her nipple.Do the same.The Breast size should look bigger that on the reference pic, maybe 16 to 17.5% bigger (don't go over****) and be a little less "floaty", as it falls down a little bit more.
She looks at your direction all the same, with a similar expression of "now you're looking" but she must not look slutty by any means.Her glasses are pulled up near her front.

Now the main treat.Her ass.It is in a similar pose than the picture.The black dress actually stops higher, just 1 or 2 centimetres into where her pants begin.The pants is similar but red and don't have those irregularities on to the two sides (pm me if you don't get what I mean).
We can see between her legs what would be her pussy lips.I had like them to be clearer, like a camel toe.I imagine she has some huge pussy lips that are hardly contained and you can tell by looking.
The circumference of her legs are kinda similar.Overall she is a little bit more curvy (like 5 to 10% more), be it the legs (please don't do chicken legs this would ruin everything) or the ass.But everything must be in harmony with the rest of her body, I don't want some Nikki Minaj or Brazlilian's fake and horrible ass.
Remember this a POV, and she is maybe at 50 centimetres away from you, just a little little bit on your left.You can barely see the end of her boots..or more boots maybe? (I guess, I have a bad idea of space and perception so try your best).

Now the second pose (in a second CG).
This is the continuation, so it is exactly the same background, same Robin, same position of the guy sitting on that golden chair.
This time, she is right in front of you, and not a little bit on your left.
And she pulled her panties down, just 1 or 2 centimetres higher from where the boots begin to show.Her two hands are each on the side doing the pulling and you can see it.
Now , I couldn't find the perfect picture, but watch the positioning of her back here :
The positioning is kind of similar, but she isn't as much forward.So, as it is a pov, and she is like 40 centimetres away this time right in front of your eyes, in the exact middle, you can still see her back higher than the ass, just a bit.Her head is looking at you from her righten side (so right side of the pic).You clearly see her mouth, right eye and even left eye looking straight at you with a blush and an expression similar to the first picture.She is easily recognizable even from that position.Her glasses are still pulled up near her front.She still doesn't look slutty.
The dress do stop, again, where the ass begin.It is a meaty ass (do not forget Nico Robin is a 188cm female).I don't have the exact reference with a similar position, but on a volume level (ass+legs), something like that can do :

Finally, to the pussy.Here is what I had like the pussy and her little hole to look like, kinda (**** alert, please only take attention to the pussy and hole of the girl on the right) :

So Robin as a big girl is close from us so really those are really big pussy lips right in front of us.Drawn in a similar manner than the last picture.The panties do not hide the absolute lower end of the pussy, it is lower than it.Important, she has no vaginal hair, it is completely clean.

I absolutely do not want a horribly drawn pussy.Look at this :
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What is this?This is ****, a smelly piece of **** art with horrible drawn pussy.I want huge lips similar to the reference pic posted earlier.

Now to finish, about the size of the 2 pics.I am very short-sighted and if possible it would be nice to do your best to draw in the biggest resolution you can.I have no idea how big, but nothing under 1600x1600 (for example) would be more than appreciated.
Link to Commission / Added:
Created by: BeeWhyOhBee
2015-09-04 21:38:06 5 days 187
2015-09-04 15:36:20 5 days 150
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